Bill Gates, a man who Hung with Epstein and wants to chalk out the sun and make sure you get that needle!

in Proof of Brain3 years ago (edited)

Melinda and Bill Gates are planing on getting a divorce. If this is news to you then many may at first think it was due to his God complex or the fact he wanted to spew chalk into the atmosphere to help cool the planet. If a dork was a super villain with a penchant for dad sweaters it would be Bill Gates. op/ed

zerohedge8 Zero Hedge

The real reason suggested is even perhaps darker then some of their other "Foundation" goals if that's even possible at this point. It would seem Melinda had enough and sees that his escapades with Epstein were a major factor. Anyone who does not think this network of "elites" exists is going to have a VERY TOUGH YEAR.

I've seen the flight logs of "Lolita Express" in the past and there are some odd things on it indeed. Many heard that Gates was involved with Epstein on some level. After reading this article it just reinforced the nauseating stench that is the true ruling class. It must be oh so hard to not realize whose private jet you are on when you have your own 40 million dollar one right?

The link above is to the original article which further proves what kind of "Angels" operate ......fallen ones, ones who own "Victoria's Secret". I suppose Melinda was cool with all the weird vax and foundation stuff and things seemingly in the guise of culling the population BUT she got mad when it was about O.P.P. (look that up if you don't know what it means).

We sit on screens in echo chambers feeding our data to things that threaten our own humanity yet we carry on. I plan to add to this post if I can get a couple extra things but am keeping this at a level where you are not feeling like it is an essay. This particular post with attached link neither need be a Dissertation nor a Haiku to convey exactly what sort of bedfellows some are proving to be.

Your support is appreciated and here are a few more of mostly mercurial messenger posts!

"Fried Pixels" giphy

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That's too bad... I was really pullin for those DOODS! 😐

that's golden

Yeah well played, this is what I was saying as well. Upvoted and re-blogged. Cheers matey!

Ahoy and thank you, pirates have to take the wheel before the ones running us all off course keep getting most of their way

Yeah exactly, my crew has been battling it out with these silly wizards and their death potions for almost 5 years now.

if people don't think nano particulate poisons in 'chemtrails' is a real thing then the poisons worked out according to plan...

There's a culling going on and it's orchestrated by literal "silly wizards" who think they will reach their Luciferian agenda of Transhumanist immortality by doing things that could even make some of the worst humans to walk this planet vomit. op/ed :)


no clue why u got a downvote, welcome to hive

Downvote was from sunsetjesus, Satan's little helper.

we need more jesus and less satan in dpos lmfao, your art is great btw, are you on discord?

Thanks! We can connect via Minds with their chat.

Bill Gates is a man of a different class