A Great Example of Why You Should Give Responsible People Guns

in Proof of Brain3 years ago (edited)


I just watched this amazing video, about a Gas station fight, that turned into a shooting. The title was clickbait as with most fight videos that go around, but this one stood out to me because of the 4 girls involved, 2 of them wanted the fight to stop. You can see both of the voices of reason were less effective than a single warning shot.


Now that you have watched the video, can you see how effective the single shot from the handgun/sidearm was at deescalating the situation?

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To any body haven give power just know that it given to right person which is a matured one

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Getting into safe and good hands is the most important thing..thanks for sharing

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Libry says I'm not mature enuf to see that shit...

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Lol so you're saying they are better at protecting people from mature content than the competition?

To whom power is given,much is expected...what matters most is give it to the responsible person and not just anybody

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But the question is how we can we make sure it does not get to the wrong hands?

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By regulating it,i think that can be a solution

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Do you think regulating will stop it from reaching the wrong hands??remember there is alot of corruption in our society @goodimportance

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It is possible to stop it but it will not be an easy task..

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Yes the task is going to be difficult to handle..

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You have a valid point @lettingo

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Okay good to know that you get my point

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Alright dear,how is your day going

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I clicked the link but it was showing me this,what do i need to do to be able to watch the video??

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I watch on my mobile or on the desktop app.

You can get the LBRY for desktop app if you want, it's very interesting but make sure to back up your key like with hive.

Use the desktop app to be able to view it comfortably @lanub

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Alright i tried it and it worked..thank you very much

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Alright dear,you are greatly welcomed,how is your weekend going?

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My weekend is doing so fine,what about yours?

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Guns is a weapon that many people do abuse when they have access to it,but i believe having proper education on its uses can help to reduce gun violence

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Just imagine a world where everyone have access to guns legally??lol that would be one hell of a ride

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Well if there is enough education on the do's and don'ts then i believe it can be handled well

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 3 years ago  Reveal Comment