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RE: Monster

in Proof of Brain2 years ago

Interesting! So these monsters look at us and love our dark or beautiful thoughts about their existence huh? They don't even get hurt if we say bad things about them, I wish this was how real monsters are, did I say real? I think I'm referring to those creepy ones I see in my dream. Lol they always wanna snap me with their fingers, rip my hair off and mess up my beautiful skin. I don't like the monsters in my dream. Never!


I think they don't care if we call them bad things or not because they trick us into thinking that we are then.

So if they are bad, we are bad.

Double edged sword

The monsters inside us just want to rule us and use us for their own devices. If we begin to accept that it's really our own dark thoughts... We protect and defend them. Instead of tossing them out.

Pretty clever parasites, those dark thought