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RE: Farming Tales’ Future: UI Things I’d Love To See

in Farming Tales2 years ago

I'm touched and grateful that you'd leave such a nice comment despite not knowing much about UI or Farming Tales, you rock! Yes, I did my best to make it "draw the user's eye" so they'd know what to interact with and focus on, I'm happy you noticed! I hope they find some value in it too, thanks again, wishing you a great day! 🙏


I'm sure they'll find value in it. Like you said, you always help others Ryze, they'll surely Ryze up to the occasion and follow your lead.

Great job @ryzeonline , you're doing pretty great.

Well it's 2am over here but thanks anyways 😂❤️..have a great day too!

(grin) I do indeed hope that's the case. PeakD interviewed me about my redesign of their app but seem to be taking their time on implementation, lol ;)

Thanks for the kind words and vote of confidence. And lol, ok, wishing you a great night then! 😂❤️🙏