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RE: Cinnamon Cup Coffee - Community Posting Guidelines

in Cinnamon Cup Coffee2 years ago

I don't care about the rules... I think this is my favorite Hive community. The one I enjoy reading and posting in the most, almost as much as drinking coffee hahahahahaha.
How nice to have this space 💛

No me importan las reglas.. Creo que esta es mi comunidad favorita de Hive. En la que mas disfruto leer y publicar, casi tanto como tomar cafe jajajajaja
Que lindo tener este espacio


Although English is not my native language I try to help myself with the translator but it always does what it wants.
I do my best, please omit my mistakes hahahaha

 2 years ago  

It's nice to hear of your appreciation for this community. Continue to enjoy visiting and sharing quality content, as much as you love quality coffee.
Your translation and efforts are working just fine :)