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RE: Building A Better Name With Dreemport

in Hive Learners2 years ago (edited)
Most excellent and awesome testimonial and user guide of the @dreemport project @jane1289, I will bookmark this and use it to refer to others the requirements, commitments, and benefits of this remarkable program. I am actually surprised that someone who is in the project for only one week can be so knowledgeable about the entire project, well done! And we usually have to go tie @dreemsteem up so she doesn't explode with all of the excitement and energy that this gives her, she'll have a grin that will wrap a pretty good width across her face lol!!! And, thank you and congratulations for spreading the word of the project and also onboarding not only for Dreemport, but also for Hive, I saw that you had onboarded in the past as well. This is the kind of attitude and respect that gets a project or program up and running and guarantees that it will stay up and running through consistency. Bravo Janey!
 2 years ago  

Thank you. It's a pleasure to help this platform as it is helping me as well to build a name 🥰