
If anyone gets burned out, it's a sign they care too much; in a way, that's what we want, rather than being apathetic or not caring anymore. Breaks are necessary if only to let the mind work its way subconsciously through adversity. If we don't take those breaks, then we just shut down; that's just as bad as being burned out.

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 2 years ago  

Thanks.. Of course, we are just humans that need a break 🙂

hahaha yes - when i first started writing on Hive (and before that - on STeemit) oh my gosh - i was joyfully addicted and spent WAY too much time here.

but it was sooooooooooo fun!!!

but as always hahaha sometimes it just becomes too much LOLOL

hard to pull back on things we enjoy - but when the mind and body becomes burnt out.... we MUST pull back or else we destroy all that we enjoy.

hehehehe so.... don't worry - you will know when you need to take a little rest.

hehehehe try to take a bit of rest each week - so you don't crash and burn very hard all at once! LOLOL

 2 years ago  

Doing it always every Sunday 😁 but sometimes not enough 🤣

ah yes - Sunday rest!!! the best kind hehehe

ok - well i'll be watching to encourage you not to burn out too much LOLOL

 2 years ago  

Sure thanks 😁

Rest ka sis :) For me, it's not physically though, heard a friend's tough struggles and it stayed with me, kinda weighing me down.