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RE: Thursday-on-Wednesday walk! Lololol

in Wednesday Walk2 years ago

I watched the video a winter wonderland so beautiful I didn’t hear it but will listen in later

And of course it’s Wednesday gives me one more day to get ready for Christmas Eve and Lulus birthday 🎉
I hope your feeling better now

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :), I truly enjoy exploring the world virtually each Wednesday seeing walks from all around the globe and feeling I am there and experiencing it all myself, such as I did in your post just now :)


feeling a lot better!!!! still stuffy and stuff hahahaha but so much better :)

ehehehehe you can come back and hear my deep voice LOLOL

and yes - Wednesday! extra 24 hours!!!! LOLOL it was so nice to see you for a few minutes in PYPT!!! you probably had to run for an appointment hehehe

will look for you soon :)

Yes indeed I was between appointments for lulu so just in for a little bit

Have a great day