Losing your Queen is not the Biggest Blunder


Losing your Queen to a Knight or a Pawn most times is devastating. It’s one of the top blunders in a chess game but there are bigger blunders and we will talk about that later in the post. The first question that come to mind is whether or not you should resign. Of course that depend mostly on your opponent strength and your strength of play. Also how many points and time the Queen lost put you behind.

I was reminded last week that “You never win when you resign” and that very true. But in a hive chess tournament there are pros and cons about resigning. The biggest pro is that you will have more time to try and win another game. The three biggest cons are:

1: You never win.
2: You miss the opportunity to test yourself in a “Kobayashi Maru” (Star trek No Win Scenario).
3: You will never be the hero when you resign. (LOL)



When your opponent Queen and Bishop or Queen and Rook checkmate you without you seeing it coming, it’s part of the biggest blunders in chess which is “Tunnel Vision & No Vision”. Let consider how dangerous tunnel vision can be; imagine a child chasing a ball into the street only focusing on the ball itself. If a car is coming down the street at the same time this could be disastrous. The child obviously have tunnel vision only focusing on the ball. Let look at another example; imagine a man walking with his face glued to his phone and begin to cross the street at a light and the light changing to red. This could also be disastrous because the man obviously have no vision of the light changing to red.

Having tunnel vision is a mistake or a blunder, you know better and you are capable of preventing the resulting damage but you don’t. That my friend is the biggest blunder or mistake and many time you wonder how in the world could you miss the blunder.



If You Encounter Tunnel Vision




Not to many blunders bigger than the Queen give away!

Checkmate is bigger...:)

checkmate is finial but not always a blunder...

Losing your Queen maybe the worst feeling...

what about missing an easy checkmate?

Thanks @poshbot