Od polja do stola - punjeni rolat od tikvica - From the field to the table - stuffed zucchini roll

in Ukusi Banata2 years ago

Počela je uveliko sezona tikvica, a mogu se konzumirati preko čitavog leta.
Ima ih mnogo vrsta, oblika i boja ali u mojoj bašti gajim ranu sortu tikvica, plodovi ovih tikvica su svetlo zelene boje.
Tikvice nemaju miris i ukus, ali zato se od njih pripremaju razna ukusna jela, pa moguće je od njih priprmiti i poslastice.

The zucchini season has begun in large part, and they can be consumed throughout the summer.
There are many types, shapes and colors, but in my garden I grow an early variety of zucchini, the fruits of these zucchini are light green.
Zucchini do not have a smell and taste, but that is why various delicious dishes are prepared from them, so it is possible to prepare desserts from them.



Volim da koristim mlade plodove tikvica, smatram da se u njima nalaze najviše hranjivih sastojka, osim toga imaju vrlo malo semenki i izvrsne su za rendanje.
Osim ploda koristi se i cvet tikvica naročito u italijanskoj kuhinji.
Tikvice sadrže veliku količinu vode ali su takođe bogate vitaminima, najvažnije od svega je da su niskokalorične a i veoma brzo i jednostavno se pripremaju možda su zato i tako popularne!

I like to use young zucchini fruits, I think that they contain the most nutrients, in addition, they have very few seeds and are excellent for grating.
In addition to the fruit, zucchini flowers are also used, especially in Italian cuisine.
Zucchini contains a large amount of water, but they are also rich in vitamins, the most important thing is that they are low in calories and very quick and easy to prepare, maybe that's why they are so popular!



  • 4 jaja
  • 1 veća tikvica
  • 4 velike kašike brašna
  • pola praška za pecivo
  • kašikica soli


  • 4 eggs
  • 1 large zucchini
  • 4 tablespoons flour
  • half a baking powder
  • a teaspoon of salt



Prvo oljuštiti tikvicu, narendati pa dodati joj kašikicu soli, promešati i ostaviti da odstoji kako bi tikvica pustila višak vode.


First, peel the zucchini, grate it, then add a teaspoon of salt, stir and let it stand so that the zucchini releases excess water.



Zatim odvojiti belanca od žumanca, belanca ulupati u čvrstu masu.

Then separate the egg whites from the yolks, beat the egg whites into a solid mass.


Kada je masa postala čvrsta, dodajte i žumanca, pa ih umutite masa će biti penasta.

When the mass has become solid, add the egg yolks, and whisk them. The mass will be foamy.


Zatim dodajemo izrendanu tikvicu, koju ćemo prvo dobro ocediti od višak vode, brašno pomešamo sa praškom za pecivo pa i njega dodajemo i postepeno mešamo da se masa izjednači.

Then add the grated zucchini, which we will first drain well from the excess water, mix the flour with the baking powder, then add it as well and gradually stir to even out the mass.



Kada je masa jednaka, u veliku tepsiju stavljamo papir za pečenje i rasporedimo masu ravnomerno, rernu zagrejati pre pečenja i peći koru na 180 stepeni oko 15 do 20 minuta.

When the mass is equal, put the baking paper in a large pan and distribute the mass evenly, preheat the oven before baking and bake the crust at 180 degrees for about 15 to 20 minutes.


Kada je kora gotova, pokvasite krpu hladnom vodom i zatim zajedno sa papriom za pečenje uvijete u rolnu.

When the crust is done, wet the cloth with cold water and then roll it together with the baking paper.




  • 100 gr sira
  • 2 do 3 kašike kisele pavlake
  • rendane šunke po želji
  • 3 do 4 kiselih krastavca


  • 100 g of cheese
  • 2 to 3 tablespoons sour cream
  • grated ham as desired
  • 3 to 4 pickles


Sir i pavlaku izmiksati mikserom, zatim dodati rendanu šunku i sitno seckane kisele krastavce.
Masu sjediniti i filovati hladnu koru.

Mix the cheese and sour cream with a mixer, then add the grated ham and finely chopped pickles.
Combine the mass and fill the cold crust.




Kada ste masu rasporedili ravnomerno, uviti u rolat i odložite ga na par sati da odstoji u frižider.

When you have distributed the mass evenly, wrap it in a roll and leave it for a couple of hours to stand in the refrigerator.



Rolat je odličan kada je hladan, idealan kao predjelo za razne prilike.
Čak može poslužiti i kao glavno jelo u toplim letnjim danima.

The roll is great when cold, ideal as an appetizer for a variety of occasions.
It can even be served as a main dish on hot summer days.

Your Maya

Friends, English is not my first language, so I'm sorry if there are any discrepancies. Hope you understand it ;-)

(The content of the text, as well as images, videos, and other media, are my own personal and private data.)

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