Jesen je stigla i sakupljanje zadnjih plodova povrća iz moje bašte🍁🫑🍅🎃 Autumn has arrived and the collection of the last vegetable fruits from my garden

in BANAT2 years ago (edited)

Radovi u bašti se odvijaju od ranog proleća pa sve do kasne jeseni, iako u toku sezone posvećujem dosta pažnje i s ljubavlju gajim svoje povrće, kraj sezone je ipak odradijo svoje jer su u septembru bili i kišoviti dani pa kompozicija povrća je baš bujna, samim tim doprinos povrća kojeg gajim u svojoj bašti biće idealan za spremanje zimnice.

The work in the garden takes place from early spring until late autumn, although during the season I pay a lot of attention and grow my vegetables with love, at the end of the season they have done their work because there were also rainy days in September, so the composition of vegetables is very lush, therefore the contribution of the vegetables that I grow in my garden will be ideal for preparing the winter.




Neverovatno za jesen u mojoj bašti još uvek ima šeri paradajza, verovatno mu je prijala kiša a nakon toga sunčani dani koji su usledili omogućili su mu da sazri.
Ali takođe ima i zelenog a i onog koji nije sasvim sazreo, kako bismo iskoristili sve plodove, zreli šeri paradajz će se pojesti 😃, a zeleni u tegle pripremljen za zimnicu.

Amazingly for autumn there are still cherry tomatoes in my garden, it probably liked the rain and then the sunny days that followed allowed it to ripen.
But there are also green ones and ones that are not fully ripe, in order to use all the fruits, ripe cherry tomatoes will be eaten 😃, and green ones in jars prepared for the winter.





Kada je reč o paprici, na našim područiju se zaista na razne naćine priprema za zimu, u obliku salate, ajvara, paprike u senfu, seckana za stavljanje na zamrzavanje i još puno toga.
Tako sam i ja u svojoj bašti ove godine sadila papriku sada mogu ponosno sebi priušti neku meni omiljenu zimnicu.

When it comes to pepper, in our area it is really prepared for the winter in various ways, in the form of salad, ajvar, pepper in mustard, chopped for freezing and much more.
So I also planted peppers in my garden this year, and now I can proudly afford my favorite winter plant.





Na moje iznenađenje!
Jedan divan prizor cvekle, koja je zaista velika, iznenadila me je svojim velikim plodom.
Ovo korensko povrć možda i nije baš popularno, retko se može sresti na trpeze.
Ali koliko je ono zdravo za organizam, kada bi svi znali češće bi se pojavjivala na trpezama svih nas.
Uglavnom je svake sezone sejem i doprinos je dobar pa je takođe veoma rado spremam za uge zmske dane.

To my surprise!
One wonderful sight of a beetroot, which is really big, surprised me with its large fruit.
This root vegetable may not be very popular, it can rarely be found on the table.
But how healthy it is for the body, if everyone knew it would appear more often on all of our tables.
It is usually sown every season and the contribution is good, so I am also very happy to prepare it for the cold winter days.






Sezona tikvica bi trebalo da je gotova ali u mojoj bašti nije taj slučaj 😄.
Izgleda da im je prijala kiša jer neverovatno još uvek su pune cveta, malih tvikvica koje se tek razvijaju a i onih koje su već velike, može se napraviti zdrav ručak.
Tikvice su veoma zdravo povrće i ćesto se nalazi na našoj trpezi.
Pored toga što je veoma zdravo, može se pripremati na razne načine i nikad nije dosadno jelo 😏.

Zucchini season should be over, but in my garden that is not the case 😄.
It seems that they liked the rain because they are incredibly still full of flowers, small sprouts that are just developing and those that are already big, you can make a healthy lunch.
Zucchini is a very healthy vegetable and is often found on our table.
In addition to being very healthy, it can be prepared in various ways and is never a boring dish 😏.



A evo i kraljice jeseni, bez nje se ne može zamisliti jesen!
Njena naranndžasta boja,dekorativan izglead a i ukus su jedinstveni.
Zato svake godine u mojoj bašti se mogu naći i pojedine bundeve, raznih oblika a i veličina.
Ovom prilikom je ova narandžasta bundeva baš lepa i velika, ona može da stoji još malo na oktobarskom suncu ako ga bude bilo da bude potpuno zrela.
Kompozicija bogatih, jesenjih plodova je i ove jeseni zaista ispunila moju baštu, samim tim i moje zadovoljsvo je bilo veliko jer se moj trud u uzgajanju povrća zaista isplatijo.

And here is the queen of autumn, you can't imagine autumn without her!
Its orange color, decorative appearance and taste are unique.
That's why every year in my garden you can find individual pumpkins, of various shapes and sizes.
On this occasion, this orange pumpkin is really beautiful and big, it can stand a little longer in the October sun if there is any to be fully ripe.
The composition of rich, autumnal fruits really filled my garden this fall, so my satisfaction was great because my efforts in growing vegetables really paid off.

Your Maya

Friends, English is not my first language, so I'm sorry if there are any discrepancies. Hope you understand it ;-)

(The content of the text, as well as images, videos, and other media, are my own personal and private data.)

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