Šta vas kao roditelja plaši? 😯 What scares you as a parent?

in BANAT2 years ago (edited)

Pozdrav za sve vas drage Hivere 👋


Danas razmišljam koliko sam zaista hrabra ?Svi se to pitamo ponekad,kad zastanemo 😯 Većinom smo svi odvažni i hrabri u svakidašnjici,medjutim kad je reč o deci pretvaramo se plišane mede🐼🐻 .Naravno kad ih branimo od sveta kao tigrovi smo,ali kada ih branimo od njih samih ,onda strah prevlada.Postvljamo hiljadu pitanja sebi,hiljadu sumnji....Uf ...koliko je teško stati pred njih i biti hladan,pa i grub dok postavljaš granice koje su za njihovo dobro.A u istom momentu gledaš u njihovim očima ,kako im se ceo svet ruši,jer ti si njihova stena,njihovo utočište.I znaš da sve što oni vide tim prelepim očima je razočarenje u tvojim 😑

Greetings to all of you dear Hiver 👋


Today I'm thinking about how brave I really am? We all ask ourselves that sometimes, when we stop 😯 Most of us are brave and brave in everyday life, however when it comes to children we pretend to be teddy bears 🐼🐻. Of course when we protect them from the world we are like tigers, but when we defend them from themselves, then fear prevails. We ask ourselves a thousand questions, a thousand doubts...Ugh...how difficult it is to stand in front of them and be cold, even rude while you set boundaries that are for their good. And at the same time moment you look in their eyes, how their whole world is collapsing, because you are their rock, their refuge. And you know that everything they see with those beautiful eyes is disappointment in yours 😑


Kako ih tada ubediti da su baš oni naš ceo svet🌍❤
Ooo treba velika hrabrost uskočiti u tu vatru,kad znaš da te neće razumeti,a isto tako znaš da moraš reći 😐
Mnogo nas se povuče čim razgovor krene u pogrešnom pravcu. Na sam nagoveštaj tuge ,razočarenja,suza mi postajemo plišane mede.Jer svi želimo sretno i zdravo dete,ništa više.

How then to convince them that they are our whole world🌍❤
Oh, it takes a lot of courage to jump into that fire, when you know they won't understand you, and you also know you have to say 😐
Many of us retreat as soon as the conversation goes in the wrong direction. At the very hint of sadness, disappointment, tears, we become teddy bears. Because we all want a happy and healthy child, nothing more.


Dok su mali lakše odredimo pravila,imamo kontrolu.Problemi nastaju kad dodje taj neizbežni pubertet 🤯
Onda nam svima preostaje da se naoružamo strpljenjem,i da oslobodimo telo svakog stresa 😉 lakše ćemo pobediti strah,skupiti hrabrost da stojimo iza svoje dece i kad oni to ne žele😇

While they are small, it is easier to set the rules, we have control. Problems arise when the inevitable puberty comes 🤯
Then all we have to do is arm ourselves with patience, and free the body from all stress 😉 it will be easier for us to overcome fear, gather the courage to stand behind our children even when they don't want to 😇

Strpljenja ,strpljenja,i brdo dobre energije,jer njima će trebati .Pronadjite nešto što vas odmah regeneriše.Pustite glasno muziku i igrajte ,neka sva napetost samo izadje kroz prste,hop hop 😁😆😉idemo...



Patience, patience, and a lot of good energy, because they will need it. Find something that immediately regenerates you. Play loud music and dance, let all the tension just come out through your fingers, hop hop 😁😆😉let's go...



Želim vam divan dan😉I zahvaljujem na vašem vremenu

Have a great day 😉,and thank you for your time

Veliki pozdrav svim Hiverima od Dragane.

Greetings to all Hivers from Dragana.