Subota,opasno dobar dan😉Saturday, a dangerously good day

in BANAT2 years ago

...Dragi moji Hiveri zdravo svima 👋
Nadam se da ste imali divan i sunčan dan kao mi.

..My dear Hivers, hello to everyone 👋
I hope you had a lovely and sunny day like we did


Danima nam je vreme veoma promenljivo,a i zahladnelo je.Kad smo jutros videli sunce,to bilo je dovoljno da započnemo dan puni energije💪🍀
Pošto je subota ,škole nema👍imamo ceo dan za sebe.
Ovako je sve počelo.....
Već u 9h smo bili napolju,ljubimcima je potrebno još hrane ☺️🐕🐈 uz šetnjicu ćemo obaviti i to☝️

Our weather has been very changeable for days, and it got cold. When we saw the sun this morning, that was enough to start the day full of energy💪🍀
Since it's Saturday, there's no school👍we have the whole day to ourselves.

This is how it all started.....
We were already outside at 9 a.m., the pets need more food ☺️🐕🐈 we will do that along with the walk☝️




Dan je više nego divan.Obećava 🍀
Dok smo bez nekog posebnog plana šetale,cilj je bio da uživamo.Centar našeg Vršca je prelep,i pruža baš dobar osećaj opuštanja.

The day is more than wonderful. It promises 🍀
While we were walking without any particular plan, the goal was to enjoy ourselves. The center of our Vršac is beautiful and offers a very good feeling of relaxation.






I da vidite koga je primetila moja ćerka dok sam ja zadivljena bojom cveća na suncu,fotografisala.
..gde,ne vidim.....gde je Savo?
Pa slikaš je,baš tu..vidi,vidi ...
I onda počne grohotom da se smeje govoreći
...sad će i ona da završi u tvoj story ....😄😄😄
I evo i nje😄😄

And to see who my daughter noticed while I was amazed by the color of the flowers in the sun, taking photos.
....Mom..mantis, mantis!
..where, I don't see.....where is Savo?
You take a picture of her, right there..look, look...
And then she started laughing uproariously as she spoke she will also end up in your story ....😄😄😄
And there she is 😄😄




E baš takvi momenti su oni bitni.Ovaj osećaj koji sada imam i ovaj kratak deo dana,to želim da pamtim,to želim da moje dete pamti.

Moments like these are most important. This feeling I have now and this short part of the day, I want to remember that, I want my child to remember that.

Ovo je tek početak☺️,sad idemo dalje u Dan,dočekujemo naše drage goste,moju mladju pastorku i njene četiri predivne ćerke.Imamo dogovor za danas popodne,sportski savez i ženski fudbalski klub UŽF Banat,vodjeni idejom Unije Evropske fudbalske asocijacije organizuje jedan otvoren trening,poziva devojčice da pokušaju da se pronadju u bilo kom sportu,uz igru i druženje.Divna ideja,medjutim odziv nije bio baš dobar.Velika šteta,sport je zaista bitan za razvoj dece,svi to znamo.Svejedno,deca koja su došla uživala su.


This is just the beginning☺️, now let's move on to the day, we welcome our dear guests, my younger stepdaughter and her four beautiful daughters.We have an agreement for this afternoon, the sports association and the women's football club UZF Banat, guided by the idea of the Union of European Football Associations, organizes an open training, inviting girls to try to find themselves in any sport, with games and socializing. A wonderful idea, however, the response was not very good. It's a shame, sports are really important for the development of children, we all know that. All the same, the children who came enjoyed themselves.



Tu još nije kraj,posle kratke pauze spremamo se za rodjendan🎂 kod drugarice balerine.Provod je bio odličan.A tu je bila i cenjena @vragolana koja je oslikavala decu duginim bojama😉

It's not over yet, after a short break we're getting ready for a birthday 🎂 off our ballerina friend.They had a great time. And there was the esteemed @vragolana who painted the children with rainbow colors😉



E posle ovoga je kraj.Završetak jednog zaista bogatog dana.Svi zadovoljni🍀
Jednom sam vam pomenula da sebe smatram bogatom osobom,tada sam na ovo mislila.Nisam milioner,ni blizu,da budem iskrena ,nemam čak ni svoju kuću,ali imam u svom životu mnogo osoba koje volim,sa kojima ovako provodim dane.Svima vam želim isto❤

And after this, it's the end. The end of a really rich day. Everyone is satisfied🍀
I once mentioned to you that I consider myself a rich person, then I mean like this. I'm not a millionaire, not even close, to be honest, I don't even have my own house, but I have many people in my life that I love, with whom I spend my days like this. To all of you I wish the same❤

Veliki pozdrav svim Hiverima od Dragane.

Greetings to all Hivers from Dragana.


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