Beg od civilizacije, šuma i bubice! 🏘️🌳🐞 Escape from civilization, forests and bugs!

in BANAT2 years ago

Meni nikada nije dosadno. I kada nemam obaveze, obujem patike i krenem u prirodu.

I'm never bored. And when I have no obligations, I put on sneakers and go to nature.


Pored puta ima puno starih stena na kojima volim da vežbam. Stene su nekima često mesto za piknik. Vrlo su visoke pa roditelji upozoravaju decu da budu pažljiva. Divan je osećaj kada sedite na toplim stenama koje sunce ceo dan greje.

There are a lot of old rocks along the road that I like to practice on. For some, rocks are often a place for picnics. They are very high, so parents warn their children to be careful. It is a wonderful feeling when you sit on the warm rocks that the sun warms all day.





Kiseonik, kamen, zelenilo, miris šume.
Trudim se da uvek budem zahvalna ba onome što imam. Ne preskačem skoro nijedan dan a da ne odem u prirodu. Ovaj puteljak kojim sam krenula je za mene najlepši jer ovom stranom ima najmanje gužve. Vikend izbegavam jer je tada previše ljudi, buke i automobila kojima nažalost ljudi često dolaze do šume. Mislim da bi to trebalo zabraniti. Automobili zagadjuju vazduh a cilj je da brdo ostane čisto i ekološko mesto na kojem nadjete nešto što nema u gradu. Mir, tišinu i čist vazduh. Istina, šume su pluća grada i čiste vazduh, ali je neprirodno da vidite auto blizu šume. Dok šetam, pogled mi je najčešće u krošnju drveća. 🌳🌳🌳

Oxygen, stone, greenery, the smell of the forest.
I try to always be grateful for what I have. I don't skip almost any day without going to nature. This path I took is the most beautiful for me because this side is the least crowded. I avoid the weekend because there are too many people, noise and cars, which unfortunately often make people come to the forest. I think that should be banned. Cars pollute the air and the goal is to keep the hill a clean and ecological place where you can find something that is not in the city. Peace, quiet and fresh air. True, forests are the lungs of the city and clean the air, but it is unnatural to see a car near the forest. As I walk, my gaze is most often in the treetops. 🌳🌳🌳


Na bregu ima puno koprive. Mnogi beže od nje jer kopriva kad ožari svojom površinom može da bude neprijatno, ali kao što vidite, ja je berem rukom. 🌿🌱🌿😁😁😁 Jako cenim lekovitost ove biljke od koje se može napraviti lek ali i ukusno jelo.
Ja pravim jela. 😁
Uvek nabetem za prijateljima i sebi. Od koprive najviše pravim čorbe i pite. Kopriva ima puno gvoždja. Jako je zdrava i trudim se da je nabetem dok je sezona te biljke.

There are a lot of nettles on the shore. Many people run away from it because nettles can be uncomfortable when they burn their surface, but as you can see, I pick them by hand. 🌿🌱🌿😁😁😁 I really appreciate the healing properties of this plant, which can be used to make medicine, but also a delicious dish.
I make dishes. 😁
I always chase after friends and myself. I mostly make soups and pies from nettles. Nettle has a lot of iron. It is very healthy and I try to charge it during the season of that plant.


Moj deda je bio poznati planinar koji meje pre svega naučio da volim prirodu, cenim njenu lekovitost i razvio ljubav prema njoj. Moje šetnje su počele od malih nogu. Deda je brata i mene uvek vodio u šumu. Danas mislim da smo bili suviše mali za tako mnogo kilometara ali verovala sam da je znao šta je dobro za nas. Pošto smo odlazili rano ujutru, nosili smo hranu i kada smo bili umorni, deda bi raširio ćebe, nasekao bi nam paradajz, hled i paštetu. To smo obožavali da jedemo. Takodje smo naučili i gde su izvoru vode koje je moj deda čistio i brinuo o njima. Deda je odavno umro i od tada izvori ne postoje. 😞
Niko nije brinuo o njima. Naučio nas je koje biljke su za jelo, koje ne. Koje zmije su otrovne, koje ne. U povratku smo uvek brali cveće koje bismo odneli mami jer nas je ona u povratku uvek dočekala lepim kolačimačiji smo miris osetili i pre nego što udjemo u kuću.

My grandfather was a famous mountaineer who first of all taught me to love nature, appreciate its healing properties and developed a love for it. My walks started from a young age. My grandfather always took my brother and me to the forest. Today I think we were too small for so many miles but I believed he knew what was good for us. Since we left early in the morning, we brought food and when we were tired, Grandpa would spread a blanket, chop our tomatoes, bread and pate. We loved to eat that. We also learned where the springs of water that my grandfather cleaned and cared for were. My grandfather died a long time ago and since then the sources have not existed. 😞
Nobody cared about them. He taught us which plants are edible and which are not. Which snakes are poisonous, which are not. On the way back, we always picked flowers that we would take to our mother, because she always welcomed us with beautiful cookies on the way back, and we smelled them even before we entered the house.


Ovaj buket je za vas! ❤️

This bouquet is for you! ❤️

Hvala što posećujete moj blog i čitate priče koje vam sa ljubavlju šaljem da vam ulepša dan!

Thank you for visiting my blog and reading the stories I am lovingly sending you to brighten your day!

Pozdrav od Anke vregolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolanka.


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Peace and quietness of Nature is soothing.
Perfect way to spend a free time🤗🤗

that's right. time in nature is never a waste of time. 🌳❤️

At all!