Ljubav na prvi pogled! 💐🌸💕💜 Love at first sight!

in BANAT2 years ago

Ne razmišljajući o tome da danas napišem post, otišla sam danas da ogulim dlake kod kozmetičarke 😅 jer idu vrućine i treba se pripremiti za leto, bikini. . . 😁⛱🌊
Koliko mi je bilo prijatno čupanje, samo žene znaju. 😂 Mada je sve više i muškaraca. 😉
Zadovoljna tretmanom i tezultatom, krenula sam nazad kući. 🏡
U povratku zapazim najlepše drvo na svetu!
Oh, kakvi cvetovi!!! 🌸🌾🌺
Pala sam na dupe!

Bukvalno nemam pojma kako se zove ali sam odmah uzela da ga uslikam!
Predivno, čarobno, savršeno, nežno.
Izgleda kao vatromet! 🎆🎇

Not thinking about writing a post today, I went to the beautician to peel my hair today 😅 because the heat is going on and I need to prepare for summer, bikini. . . 😁⛱🌊
Only women know how pleasant it was for me to pull. 😂 Although there are more and more men. 😉
Satisfied with the treatment and the result, I headed back home. 🏡
On the way back I notice the most beautiful tree in the world!
Oh, what flowers !!! 🌸🌾🌺
I fell on my ass!

I literally have no idea what it’s called but I immediately took a picture of it!
Beautiful, magical, perfect, gentle.
It looks like fireworks! 🎆🎇




Božanstveno! Mozda postoji negde lepši cvet ali za mene je ovaj cvet pobednik dana! 🏆🏆🏆
Boja, struktura, mekoća, lišće, kao slikarska četkica. Imam utisak da je ovaj egzotičan cvet odnosno drvo- japansko. 🤔🇯🇵
Zalepila sam se za ovo drvo i posmatrala ga minimum 15 minuta! ❤️🌺❤️🌺
Ubrala sam jedan cvet i ponela kući.

Divine! There may be a nicer flower somewhere but for me this flower is the winner of the day! 🏆🏆🏆
Color, structure, softness, leaves, like a paintbrush. I have the impression that this exotic flower or tree is Japanese. 🤔🇯🇵
I stuck to this tree and watched it for at least 15 minutes! ❤️🌺❤️🌺
I picked one flower and took it home.





Krenula sam kući i sve vreme mazila ruku ovim neobičnim cvetom koji mi je pravio društvo. I dalje ne znam kako se zove?
Nije ni vaźno. Nekad se ispričam sa nepoznatim ljudima. Bude mi jako prijatno sa njima, a nikad nisam saznala kako se zovu. ❤️

I went home and caressed my hand all the time with this unusual flower that kept me company. I still don't know his name?
It doesn't matter. Sometimes I apologize to strangers. I will be very comfortable with them, and I never found out their names. ❤️

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!


PlantNet kaze da je to mimoza 😁

Cupanje je prijatno? Hm...

@tipu curate


"Čupanje je prijatno...?"

Paa, samo jedan maaaji cvetić..🥴