Sreća okupana kišom! ✨☔️💦 Happiness bathed in rain! ✨☔️💦

in BANAT2 years ago

Sivi oblaci.Samo što ne pljusne kiša.🌩💦🌧 Svakog časa treba da krenem po ćerku u školu. Jakna, čizme, kišobrani, kabanica za ćerku. Krenula sam pod punom ratnom opremom! 😁

Gray clouds. It's just about to rain. 🌩💦🌧 Every hour I have to pick up my daughter from school. Jacket, boots, umbrellas, raincoat for daughter. I set out in full military gear! 😁



Prvo sam pomislila da odem taksijem, a onda shvatim da bi to mogla biti lepa avantura. Mislim da smo previše postali zaštitnički raspoloženi prema deci. Ako i pokisnemo, pa šta? 😅
Kako deca da upoznaju sva stanja ako ih ne izlažemo nekim situacijama?
Ok, krenula sam. Kap po kap, i kiša je počela da pljušti. Za 15 minuta već su lile reke kišnice po asfaltu i trotoarima.

At first I thought of taking a taxi, then I realized that it could be a nice adventure. I think we have become too protective of children. If we get wet, so what? 😅
How can children get to know all situations if we don't expose them to some situations?
Ok, I'm on my way. Drop by drop, and it started to rain. In 15 minutes, rivers of rainwater were already pouring on the asphalt and sidewalks.






Ubrzala sam korak. Automobili koji su prolazili tačnije rečeno jurili pored mene, nemilosrdni i bez trunke empatije su jurili. Svaki put bi me isprskali. Mrmljala sam sebi u bradu. Bila sam besna. Neverovatno kako nemaju osećaj za pešake koji su već izloženi kiši? Polumokrih nogu sam nastavila ka ćerkinoj školi!

Dok sam preskakala bare i prepreke razvaljenog trotoara, kraičkom oka sam opazila baru koja je imala oblik srca. ❤️ Romantična duša uvek obraća pažnju na detalje, čak i u jurnjavi po kiši. 🥰😁

I quickened my pace. The cars that were passing, or more precisely, were speeding past me, they were speeding mercilessly and without an iota of empathy. I would get sprayed every time. I muttered to myself. I was furious. Amazing how they have no feeling for pedestrians who are already exposed to the rain? With half-wet feet, I continued to my daughter's school!

While I was jumping over the puddles and obstacles of the broken sidewalk, out of the corner of my eye I noticed a puddle that had the shape of a heart. ❤️ A romantic soul always pays attention to details, even in a rush in the rain. 😁


Zaobilazim ogromne bare koliko god mogu. Preskačem, hodam na petama. Osećala sam se kao u nekoj igri bez granica ili Survivoru! 😅

I bypass the huge ponds as much as I can. I skip, I walk on my heels. I felt like I was in a game without limits or Survivor! 😅
Keep on going.




Približavam se školi. Još damo malo, a onda me šokira ovakav prizor! 😡
Čovek je bez ikakve griže savesti parkirao na pešačkoj zoni. Kada sam u ovakvoj situaciji uglavnom slikam i odem u policiju da prijavim, sada nisam imala vremena. 😤
Zbog ovakvih ljudi, majke sa kolicima moraju da sidju sa decom na put da bi zaobišle ovakve idiote. 😢

I'm getting closer to school. We give a little more, and then I am shocked by this sight! 😡
The man parked in the pedestrian zone without any remorse. When I'm in a situation like this, I usually take pictures and go to the police to report it, but now I didn't have time. 😤
Because of people like this, mothers with strollers have to go down the road with their children to avoid these idiots. 😢


Ok, stigla sam! Ulazim u hol škole. Čekam polupokisla ćerku. 3, 2, 1. . . Zvrrrrr! Školski zvono. Kraj časa!
Stiže moja devojčica! Dajem joj čizme i kabanicu.

Ok, I'm here! I enter the school hall. I'm waiting for a half-wet daughter. 3, 2, 1. . Zvrrrrr! School bell. End of class!
My little girl is coming! I give her boots and a raincoat.



Spremne za polazak kući! 😁👌
Mnogi roditelji su razmišljali kao i ja. Obukli su decu i krenuli kući sa dobro zbrinutim decom ali neki roditelji ne dopuštaju da im deca naprave 20 koraka nego se guraju automobilima do same škoke! 😤
Da ne padne nijedna kao na njihovo dete. Jedva smo se provukle od automobila.🤪

Ready to go home! 😁👌
Many parents were thinking like me. They dressed the children and went home with well-cared-for children, but some parents do not allow their children to take 20 steps, but push each other with cars to the very top! 😤
That none of them fall on their child. We barely made it past the car.🤪





When we got out of the crowd, the daughter was delighted with the small waterfalls that the rain had made.


U tim trenutku sam se setila jednog našeg putovanja u Španiju. Propustile smo let avionom dok smo presedale u Nemačkoj. Prvo me je obuzeo strah. Ćerka je bila mala. Nikad mi se to ranije nije desilo. Pogledala me je u oči i pitala: - Mama, šta ćemo sada!?
Prvo sam htela da odgovorim onako kako jeste ali onda shvatila da život nije tako ozbiljan i da je on takodje jedna avantura. Rekla sam ćerki da ćemo provesti jednu divnu noć u Nemačkoj i da su nam spremili divne poklone! 🎁🛍🧸🎎
Ćerka je razvukla širok osmeh. . . - Super!!!
To me je dodatno ohrabrilo. U hotelu nas je zaista dočekao poklon za ćerkicu i predivna večera. Soba je bila za poželeti. Zapravo smo se super provele! Sve je u vašem odnosu prema onom što vam se dešava. 💌
Tako sam odlučila da uradim i ovog puta, umesto da žurimo do kuće izbegavajući kišu, predložila sam ćerki da se igramo nečega što sam se ja igrala kad sam bila mala. . . Puštale smo brodove u kanal od kiše i posmatrale koliko će biti brzi i da li će uspeti da prodju kroz mostove. Bio je to pun pogodak!

At that moment I remembered one of our trips to Spain. We missed our flight while connecting in Germany. At first I was afraid. The daughter was small. It's never happened to me before. She looked into my eyes and asked: - Mom, what are we going to do now!?
At first I wanted to answer as it is, but then I realized that life is not so serious and that it is also an adventure. I told my daughter that we were going to spend a wonderful night in Germany and that they had prepared wonderful gifts for us! 🎁🛍 🎎
The daughter gave a wide smile. . . - Great!!!
That encouraged me even more. We were really welcomed at the hotel with a gift for our daughter and a wonderful dinner. The room left much to be desired. We actually had a great time! It's all about your attitude towards what happens to you. 💌
That's what I decided to do this time, instead of rushing home avoiding the rain, I suggested to my daughter that we play something that I used to play when I was little. . . We launched the ships into the rain channel and watched how fast they would go and if they would manage to get through the bridges. It was a full hit!





Moja ćerka je bila oduševljena! Ulazila je u kanale da pomogne brodiću da plovi. Gurala ga je, sklanjala grančice, radovala se kada ugleda brod koji je prošao “ tunele”!

My daughter was delighted! She entered the canals to help the boat sail. She pushed him, moved branches away, rejoiced when she saw the ship that passed the "tunnels"!






Brod je otišao svojim putem a mi smo promenile pravac. Nastavile smo da skakućemo po baricama.

The ship went on its way and we changed direction. We continued to jump in the puddles.



Kiša je polako prestajala. Koliko nam se dopala naša avantura, pokazaće vam naši osmesi.😇😇

The rain was slowly stopping. Our smiles will show you how much we enjoyed our adventure.😇😇


Pozdrav svim Hajverima i hvala na čitanju. Nadam se da smo uspele da vas uvučemo u ovu kišnu avanturu! ☔️🌨💦

Greetings to all Haivers and thanks for reading. I hope we managed to draw you into this rainy adventure! ☔️🌨💦

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!


Kiša može da pada ali is in the air...❤

Baš tako..🥰☔️❤️

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