(ESP/ENG)Blog's Challenge Part Three. Day 5 - Lessons learned in my life? | Día 5 - ¿Lecciones aprendidas en mi vida?

in Blogging Challenge3 years ago

Hola mis Hiver's, espero que tengan un excelente inicio de semana, hoy es mi quinto día en esta tercera entrega del #BloggingChallenge, el día de hoy toca un tema de los cuales siempre me gustara escribir, ya que me gusta recordar mis errores y aprendizajes, para mantenerlos vivos en mi vida y esta vez para compartirlo con ustedes, así que les contare estas lecciones he aprendido en vida, y de igual forma espero les sirva de aprendizaje a ustedes.

Hello my Hiver's, I hope you have an excellent start of the week, today is my fifth day in this third installment of the #BloggingChallenge, today touches a topic of which I always like to write, because I like to remember my mistakes and learnings, to keep them alive in my life and this time to share it with you, so I will tell you these lessons I have learned in life, and likewise I hope it will serve as a learning experience for you.

Todos aprendemos a diario, esa es una norma de nuestras vidas, la cuestión es si ese conocimiento o aprendizaje lo hacemos nuestro y lo aplicamos, siempre estamos predispuestos a hacer las cosas de la forma incorrecta hasta el momento que nos equivocamos y es en ese momento donde los errores se vuelven aprendizajes, "para algunas personas" hay otras que se deben dar varias veces con la misma puerta antes de aprender a abrirla.

We all learn every day, that is a rule of our lives, the question is if we make that knowledge or learning our own and apply it, we are always predisposed to do things the wrong way until the moment we make a mistake and it is at that moment where mistakes become learning, "for some people" there are others who must hit the same door several times before learning to open it.

En mi vida he aprendido muchas cosas, de las mismas maneras que antes mencione, unas fueron por consejos y otras por que me equivoque yo misma, pero de una u otra manera fueron aprendidas, el mejor aprendizaje que obtuve fue gracias a mi familia, todos siempre me decían de pequeña, estudia para que seas alguien en esta vida, consigue un buen trabajo y hazlo con devoción y esfuérzate para lograr las cosas que deseas, estas palabras me las repitieron por años durante mi adolescencia, y al llegar a la etapa de entrar a la universidad empece a aplicarlas, estudie y lo hice a lo grande, hice dos carreras en simultaneo, conseguí un buen empleo y ejerzo mi profesión y la mas importante siempre que quiero y me propongo algo lo logro, así que fueron tres grandes consejos y muy bien aprendidos.

In my life I have learned many things, in the same ways that I mentioned before, some were by advice and others because I was wrong myself, but in one way or another were learned, the best learning I got was thanks to my family, everyone always told me as a child, study to be someone in this life, get a good job and do it with devotion and strive to achieve the things you want, These words were repeated to me for years during my adolescence, and when I got to the stage of entering the university I started to apply them, I studied and I did it in a big way, I did two careers simultaneously, I got a good job and I practice my profession and the most important always that I want and I propose something I achieve it, so they were three great tips and very well learned.

Pero de igual manera muchas cosas aprendidas fueron por experiencias propias, nunca supe administrar mis finanzas, nunca vi hacia el futuro, cometí el error de mis padres, vivo en Venezuela y conseguí trabajo en la Universidad del Zulia, un empleo que muchos anhelaban tener por sus grandes posibilidades de superación y buena retribución monetaria anual, mis padres lograron todo trabajando allí, pensaron que les duraría toda la vida y yo me guié por eso, por esa razón nunca vi venir esta situación de ahora, donde mi salario no alcanza para nada, la universidad se cae a pedazos y mi plan de vida cambio totalmente.

But in the same way many things I learned were from my own experiences, I never knew how to manage my finances, I never saw the future, I made the mistake of my parents, I live in Venezuela and I got a job at the University of Zulia, a job that many people longed to have for its great possibilities of improvement and good annual monetary retribution, my parents achieved everything working there, they thought it would last a lifetime and I was guided by that, for that reason I never saw this situation coming, where my salary is not enough for anything, the university is falling apart and my life plan has changed completely.

Por otro lado muchos de mis amigos desde mi punto de vista vieron el futuro, empezaron a ahorrar en dolares, invertir en negocios propios e incluso tengo dos amigas que se metieron de lleno en el mundo de las criptomonedas y les va muy bien, viven en estados unidos y sus vidas dieron un cambio total, y la ultima vez que hable con ellas me dijeron que se encontraban en la mejor etapa económica de su vida, supongo que todo viene relacionado con el despegue del Bitcoin y otras Criptomonedas, al igual que hace mas de tres años un amigo me invito a Steemit y luego me invito a Hive, pero como me sentía cómoda en mi trabajo nunca le hice caso, hasta hace poco, quizás si hubiera escuchado su consejo mi vida económica en este momento tuviera mejor cara.

On the other hand many of my friends from my point of view saw the future, they began to save in dollars, invest in their own businesses and I even have two friends who got fully into the world of cryptocurrencies and they are doing very well, they live in the United States and their lives changed completely, and the last time I talked to them they told me that they were in the best economic stage of their lives, I guess everything is related to the takeoff of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, just as more than three years ago a friend invited me to Steemit and then invited me to Hive, but as I felt comfortable in my job I never listened to him, until recently, maybe if I had listened to his advice my economic life at this time would have a better face.

Y la enseñanza mas importante para mi, fue un consejo de mi madre, ella siempre me decía "Hija aprende un arte", ella fue repostera y preparaba delicias dulces, con ella aprendí ese arte, el cual me ayudo mucho en los peores momentos de mi trabajo, donde mi sueldo no alcanzaba, con todas sus enseñanzas hice una pequeña empresa de dulces que hasta el día de hoy me deja un buen incentivo económico y la satisfacción de que a las personas les gustan mis postres.

And the most important teaching for me was an advice from my mother, she always told me "Daughter, learn an art", she was a pastry chef and prepared delicious sweets, with her I learned that art, which helped me a lot in the worst moments of my work, where my salary was not enough, with all her teachings I made a small candy company that to this day leaves me a good economic incentive and the satisfaction that people like my desserts.

Por que les digo esto, primero recuerden que los consejos que nos dan nuestros padres y familiares, son aprendizajes que ellos tuvieron que pasar, piensa antes de rechazarlos y por otro lado, nunca pienses en trabajar para otra persona, siempre trabaja por ti y para ti, si es posible logra ser tu propio jefe sin importar nada, ese es el mejor boleto para un futuro placentero, lucha hoy para ver frutos mañana.

Why I tell you this, first remember that the advice that our parents and relatives give us, are lessons that they had to pass, think before rejecting them and on the other hand, never think of working for someone else, always work for you and for you, if possible get to be your own boss no matter what, that is the best ticket to a pleasant future, fight today to see fruits tomorrow.

“Todas las batallas en la vida sirven para enseñarnos algo, inclusive aquellas que perdemos.”

"Every battle in life serves to teach us something, even those we lose."

Paulo Coelho

  • La imagen del banner fue editada con la aplicación Photoshop CS6| The image of the banner was edited with the Photoshop CS6 application

  • Las imagenes del divisor, 30 dias y Blogging Challenge, fueron tomadas de la comunidad BC | The images of the divisor, 30 days and Blogging Challenge, were taken from the community BC

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Los Tejos

Los Tejos


Hi thanks for sharing your life experience.

I guess you did great to start up doing something which I'm sure you're great ful now.
It's never too late I'm glad you figured out how you will manage things around you.

Stay safe 🙂

Thank you, I really take advantage of everything I learn and try to do better every day.

Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @dsc-r2cornell, which is the curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community.

Curated by @blessed-girl


Enhorabuena, su "post" ha sido "up-voted" por @dsc-r2cornell, que es la "cuenta curating" de la Comunidad de la Discordia de @R2cornell.

I'm very happy to read through every line of your work and I'm happy that you are finally here to explore what the virtual world have for everyone of us.

You might have started late compared to when your friends gave you invitation to join different earning platforms but you are already doing well here and all I can see is progress on the Long Run

I'm really happy to have read through this experience and I believe that you will soon be in the best financial state of your life