Are you being brainwashed as you? Critical thinking your way out of a North Korean dystopia.

in Self Improvement2 years ago (edited)

Are we all a victim of mass brainwashing, whether it is directly done or we are actually doing it to ourselves? The repercussions is massive but the cause may not be acted on consciously.

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This freedom we all have today, right this moment in time. The very moment we are all living in. Have we all become a victim of our intelligence. A ticking time bomb of programming to each and every single one of us. Have we reached the pinnacle of our human peak in social experimenting.

Looking in the past we do not have a gauge of the things we are all going towards, hence I will call it our social experiment. Even the so called experts are just blowing smoke up their nether regions.

Have we the critical skills to question ourselves? I know I struggle to. Especially when I ask myself something I feel I am right. Feeling. Is this the cause of our brainwashing.

Are you being brainwashed?

After reading this I see some similarities to what I come across when I jump online. Either from my online trawling or even from people I "trust", sharing their interest in something. It's been 2 years now and my deletion and use of social media platforms have decreased considerably.

I get FOMO sometimes because I do not know what my friends are doing since leaving, but this has also meant that I am far more clear headed since I do not have an algorithm giving me some more material making me susceptible to brain washing. I digress.

The word brainwashed is still informally used to describe someone who holds strong ideas that are implausible and are completely resistant to evidence, common sense, experience and logic. Especially when these ideas developed under external influence e.g. books, TV programs, other people or a religious organization.

Going back to the main point of this post, brainwashing and the programming of all of us. I am very doubtful of 'social scientists' who in my mind just read from past works and then attempt to use these new knowledge to experiment on my world. I say my world because the world is no longer large with ideas not having the time to really develop.

I think due to the ease of information sharing we are our worst enemies. I know I am since I am constantly looking for new things to read. I think there was a say of careful what you read since it will most likely give you crazy ideas.

But you are smart and you will know if it is not a good idea.

Brainwashing works in a way where with enough stimulus anyone can be turned. Yes, there are exceptions but eventually if there is no end they too will fall victim.

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Ever since I clocked 20 I've been trying to live an intentional and rational life, I've ditched religion, culture and everything people hold dear without a good reason. Now I only hold something dear if there's a good rational reason. The way out of brainwashing is simple, if you ask me, always go for rational explanations and ignore your emotional attachments to a thing if you don't have rational reasons why you should be attached.

Now I only hold something dear

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The bases of rationality is all subjective to the structures one has been given based on the stimulus they have consumed. If one then starts to try and get rational explanations, how does one know that these explanations are not corrupted in the first place.

The way to know if a rational explanation is rational or true is to simply subject it to rational analysis, to test for fallacies and make sure it is logically valid. The simple rule is if the premise is true and the conclusion is truly drawn from it then the conclusion is true. For example if I say "all men drink alcohol, Akumagai is a man therefore he drinks alcohol." How does one know that what I've just said is rational and should be accepted? By starting from the premise, the premise in the statement is that "all men drink alcohol", is this premise true or not? That's how you work it out to the conclusion.

If you include what the post is saying it will be logical to say all drunks are men and there for bad for the whole world around them and should therefore have the conclusion that they are toxic, which is subjective rational analysis. Because "rational" is a loaded word made up of constituent parts formed from countless materials either read, heard or experienced. Which would then suggest that even critical thinking could in effect be influenced from the stimulus one consumes.