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RE: The Gray Man : Mainstream movie without soul | Film Review [En - Es]

in Movies & TV Shows2 years ago

See the problem is the platforms where these movies are getting released.
No movie is a commercial flop. They get back their investment just by selling rights to streaming services.

At this point, it is very hard to find a movie that aims at consumer satisfaction. It is like a plague, affecting everyone. With some flashy trailer and marketing stunts, the movie is announced as a blockbuster hit even on day one.

I totally agree which you about how the movie feels so disconnected, it is just a collage of explosions and gunshots.

I watched it only for Dhanush.
The funniest part is when you realize that Dhanush gets more character than Ryan. This could have been better. I am not saying its a Bad movie. It just needs soul. :D


Dhanush could have been a better main villain. These kinds of movies need antagonists that instill fear, not laughs. Or is it an action/espionage movie or is it a comedy? It doesn't find the balance to make them work.

Still the movie is a hit and that proves that it doesn't necessarily have to be an incredibly good movie to be a hit. The same platforms through aggressive promotional campaigns make it a hit.

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