Elite Season 6 Review. - Élite Temporada 6. (REVIEW)

Elite Season 6. (REVIEW)


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Netflix gives us the sixth season of Elite, the entertainment giant, brings us the sixth installment of one of the most famous series on its platform, beyond the criticism they have received over the seasons. Again, we are in Madrid, Spain, in Las Encinas, an educational unit that contains very wealthy young people in its enrollment, belonging to families of immense political, media and economic power in Spain and the world. All belonging to the Elite, since Samuel, one of the few who was not wealthy (SPOILER), is finally confirmed deceased, after the incident with Benjamin.

This sixth season, unlike the fifth, does not have a story that works as a backbone, the new actors that are part of the cast, were essential for the development of the plot, the characters of Raúl, Sara, Didac, Nico, Bilal, and Rocío were fundamental. However, one of the most important stories and one that took the character development that fans requested so much from the series to another level was that of Isadora, the Empress of Ibiza who suffered the consequences of the rape she received in the previous season, more nothing the mental wear and tear of knowing that her perpetrators were still free and studying at the same school as her, since evidence against her was never found, in addition, Phillipe, one of those who were at the time of what happened with Isadora, returned to his French principality, leaving Ivan as the only witness. To this story was added that of the Commerford family, Patric, Ari and Mencía, who with Bejamín imprisoned, obtained many more freedoms, but also, many more problems. Mencía and Sara, Patrick and Ivan and Ari and Nico, were the main pillars of the entire plot, with characters like Raúl, acting secondary, although always generating that feeling of villain. Finally, everything seems to end with Isadora's mess resolved, with the Commerfords fleeing the city with Benjamin who went free and with Iván in quite poor health.

The Plot Twist, a fundamental point in the season.

Elite has always been characterized by surprising with quite interesting twists in the story, especially taking advantage of the resource of showing us the end of the series, little by little, almost always with an accident, a death or a missing person. In this case, from chapter 1 we were shown Iván as the victim of a terrible accident in which he was hit by a car, this already left us with a taste of surprise, because Iván is one of the most beloved characters in the series. As the story progresses, we see how they show us a funeral and how Ari tells a notoriously affected Patrick "Iván's family wants to start", implying that Iván has passed away and that this is his wake, however, Cruz, Iván's father, already in the "normal" timeline, is suffering many threats after declaring himself homosexual and in a surprising turn of events, during an argument with some strangers at dawn, while driving with the effects of alcohol and drugs , Cruz is beaten to death (killing one of my favorite characters) and dies in Iván's arms, then we are shown that that funeral was actually that of soccer star Cruz Carvalho, this was one of the twists of the plot that impacted me the most, at the end of the season, show us how Ari leaves the party where Iván is run over, extremely drunk and everyone would think it was her, in one of the cars that Benjamin gave to their children Os, the one that ran over Iván, however, we already knew that the car that hit Iván was Patrick's, because of the P symbol, and at that same party, Mencía, drugged by Raúl in his attempt to get Sara back , takes Patrick's car to go in search of his sister, and after falling asleep at the wheel, he wakes up in a remote place, already with blood on the car window and with an obvious run over, to which he calls Ari and she calls her. helps, burning the car and convincing her not to say anything to Patrick, thus finally fleeing with Benjamin.

But the last Plot Twist would be the most surprising, right in the final 10 minutes, we are shown how Sara intercepted Mencia leaving the party and did not let her drive, taking control of Patrick's car, obviously, she was an inexperienced driver. and when Mencía seemed to be in serious health, Sara took her eyes off the road, losing control of the car and running over Iván, after parking in that remote place where Mencía woke up, she called Raúl, the abusive boyfriend whom she had already dismissed from his life and this, he took advantage of the situation staging the whole scene and convincing Sara to blame Mencía, assuring her that she will be better off with him. The directors knew how to take advantage of the "twists" in the plot very well, making a season full of uncertainty and emotion.

The subplots and shooting in Las Encinas.

Between several of the subplots we find relationships that were formed, such as that of Bilal and Rocío or that of Didac and Isadora. Bilal always rejected Rocío and the series finally lets us see that the girl's money ended up convincing Bilal, an immigrant who always believed he deserved a better life, to be with her. While Didac always supported Isadora regarding the rape that occurred, since few believed him, and once Hugo, Alejandro and Javier were arrested, and Isadora took revenge by tattooing Alejandro and Javier the word "RAPIST "and chemically castrating Hugo, he managed to find peace, thus proposing a relationship to Didac just before the end of the season, however, their families are in conflict over business issues and just in the last scene of the season, a van Black shoots 3 times towards Las Encinas. Speculation says that it could be either of the two families against the others, since Didac's brother, one of the main bosses of the business, was also there.

Nico, for his part, is a transgender, who experienced all the insecurities that this condition entails during the season, finally, the gender change operation seemed to be his only solution and with this, he could be happy once and for all, to highlight Sonia, another secondary character who was essential for the development of Nico's story, and for the small plot of Ari pregnant with Iván, a fact that may be vital for the development of the next seasons.

Film Shots

As in my summary of season 5, I want to highlight the shots of this season 6 that in my opinion far exceeded those of season 5, and I want to highlight certain scenes in particular, which are those of the Madrid derby, where it was achieved give the sensation of a real game with a packed stadium and since it seemed that Cruz really was the best soccer player on the planet and scored a great goal, celebrating with the stands, this was one of the most impressive achievements of the recording team without any doubt, also the scene where Cruz finds the doll hanging on his door generates great impact, as well as many others from Isadora House, a spectacular nightclub that was one of the most popular places during the plot.

This season's soundtrack, unlike the fifth, had a big downturn, in my opinion I didn't like it as well as the previous seasons and the only song that showed me a certain feeling and greatly improved the scene, was the one that played during Cruz's funeral, the rest, the truth is that they all seemed very generic.

Rating 8/10



Élite Temporada 6. (REVIEW)


Netflix nos estrega la sexta temporada de Élite, el gigante del entretenimiento, nos trae la sexta entrega de una de las series más famosas de su plataforma, más allá de las criticas que han recibido con el pasar de las temporadas. Nuevamente, nos encontramos en Madrid, España, en Las Encinas, una unidad educativa que contiene en su matrícula a jóvenes muy adinerados, partenecientes a familias de inmenmso poder político, mediático y económico en España y el mundo. Todos, pertenecientes a la Élite, ya que Samuel, uno de los pocos que no era adinerado (SPOILER) finalmente, se confirma fallecido, luego del incidente con Benjamín.

Esta sexta temporada, a diferencia de la quinta, no tiene una historia que funcione como columna vertebral, los nuevos actores que forman parte del elenco, fueron fundamentales, para el desarrollo de la trama, los personajes de Raúl, Sara, Didac, Nico, Bilal, y Rocío fueron fundamentales. No obstante, una de las historias más importantes y que llevó a otro nivel el desarrollo de personaje que tanto pedían los fans a la serie fue la de Isadora, la Emperatriz de Ibiza sufría las consecuencias de la violación que recibió en la temporada anterior, más que nada el desgaste mental de saber que sus perpetradores, seguían libres y estudiando en la misma escuela que ella, pues nunca fueron encontradas pruebas en su contra, además, Phillipe, uno de los que estaban al momento de lo ocurrido con Isadora, se devolvió a su principado Francés, dejando a Iván como único testigo. A esta historia se unía la de la familia Commerford, Patric, Ari y Mencía, que con Bejamín preso, obtuvieron muchas más libertades, pero también, muchos más problemas. Mencía y Sara, Patrick e Ivan y Ari y Nico, fueron los principales pilares de toda la trama, con personajes como Raúl, actuando secundariamente, aunque generando siempre esa sensación de villano. Finalmente, todo parece acabar con el lío de Isadora resuelto, con los Commerford huyendo de la ciudad junto a Benjamín que salió libre y con Iván bastante delicado de salud.

Los Plot Twist, un punto fundamental en la temporada.

Élite siempre se caracterizó por sorprender con giros en la historia bastante interesantes, especialmente aprovechando el recurso de mostrarnos el final de la serie, poco a poco, casi siempre con un accidente, un muerto o un desaparecido. En este caso, desde el capítulo 1 se nos mostraba a Iván como la víctima de un terrible accidente en el que resultaba atropellado, esto ya nos dejaba un sabor de boca de sorpresa, pues Iván es uno de los personajes más queridos en la serie. Mientras va avanzando la historia, observamos como nos muestran un funeral y como Ari le dice a un notoriamente afectado Patrick "La familia de Iván quiere comenzar", dándonos a entender que Iván ha fallecido y que ese es su velorio, no obstante, Cruz, el padre de Iván, ya en la línea de tiempo "normal" está sufriendo muchas amenazas tras declararse homosexual y en un sorprendente giro de los hechos, durante una discusión con unos desconocidos en la madrugada, mientras manejaba con los efectos del alcohol y la droga, Cruz es asesinado a golpes (acabando con uno de mis personajes favoritos) y muere en los brazos de Iván, luego, se nos muestra que aquel funeral, era en realidad el de la estrellas del fútbol, Cruz Carvalho, este fue uno de los giros de la trama que más me impactó, ya terminando la temporada, nos muestran como Ari sale de la fiesta en la que atropellan a Iván, extremadamente tomada y todo el mundo pensaría que fue ella, en uno de los coches que le regaló Benjamín a sus hijos, la que atropelló a Iván, sin embargo, ya sabíamos que el coche que atropelló a Iván fue el de Patrick, por el símbolo de la P, y en esa misma fiesta, Mencía, drogada por Raúl en su intento por recuperar a Sara, toma el coche de Patrick para ir en busca de su hermana, y luego de dormirse al volante, despierta en un lugar remoto, ya con sangre en la ventana del coche y con un evidente atropellamiento, a lo que llama a Ari y esta la ayuda, quemando el coche y convenciéndola de no decirle nada a Patrick, huyendo así finalmente con Benjamín.

Pero el último Plot Twist sería el más sorprendente, justo en los 10 minutos finales, se nos muestra como Sara interceptó a Mencía saliendo de la fiesta y no la dejó conducir, tomando el control del coche de Patrick, obviamente, era una inexperta al volante y cuando Mencía parecía estar grave de salud, Sara quitó la vista de la carretera, perdiendo el control del coche y atropellando a Iván, luego de estacionarse en aquel lugar remoto donde se despertó Mencía, llamó a Raúl, el abusador novio al que ya había despachado de su vida y este, se aprovechó de la situación montando toda la escena y convenciendo a Sara de inculpar a Mencía, asegurándole que estará mejor con él. Los directores supieron aprovechar muy bien el recurso de los "giros" en la trama, haciendo que se viviese una temporada llena de incertidumbre y emoción.

Las subtramas y tiroteo en Las Encinas.

Entre varias de las subtramas encontramos relaciones que se formaron, como la de Bilal y Rocío o la de Didac e Isadora. Bilal siempre rechazó a Rocío y la serie finalmente nos deja ver que el dinero de la chica, acabó convenciendo a Bilal, un inmigrante que siempre creyó merecer una vida mejor, de estar con ella. Mientras que Didac, siempre apoyó a Isadora con respecto a la violación ocurrida, pues pocos eran los que le creían, y una vez que Hugo, Alejandro y Javier fueron arrestados, y que Isadora se cobró venganza tatuando a Alejandro y a Javier la palabra "VIOLADOR" y castrando químicamente a Hugo, logró encontrar una paz, proponiendo de esta manera una relación a Didac justo anter de acabar la temporada, no obstante, sus familias están enfrentadas por temas de negocios y justo en la última escena de la temporada, una camioneta negra dispara 3 veces hacia Las Encinas. Las especulaciones dicen que podría ser cualquiera de las dos familias en contra de los otros, pues el hermano de Didac, uno de los principales jefes del negocio, también se encontraba en el lugar.

Nico, por su parte, es un transgénero, que vivió durante la temporada todas las inseguridades que esta condición conlleva, finalmente, la operación del cambio de género parecía ser su única solución y con este, podría ser feliz de una vez por todas, cabe destacar a Sonia, otro personaje secundario que fue fundamental para el desarrollo de la historia de Nico, y para la pequeña trama de Ari embarazada de Iván, un dato que puede resultar vital para el desarrollo de las próximas temporadas.


Como en mi resumen de la temporada 5, quiero destacar las tomas de esta temporada 6 que a mi parecer superaron por mucho las de la temporada 5, y quiero destacar ciertas escenas en particular, que son las del derbi de Madrid, en donde se logró dar la sensación de un partido real con un estadio repleto y como parecía que Cruz de verdad era el mejor futbolista del planeta y marcaba un golazo, festajando con la grada, este fue uno de los logros más impresionantes del equipo de grabación sin ninguna duda, también la escena donde Cruz encuentra al muñeco colgando en su puerta genera gran impacto, así como otras muchas de Isadora House, una espectacular discoteca que fue uno de los sitios más concurrentes durante la trama.

El soundtrack de esta temporada, a diferencia de la quinta, tuvo un gran bajón, a mi parecer no me gustó al igual que el de temporadas anteriores y la única canción que me demostró cierto sentimiento y mejoró mucho la escena, fue la que sonó durante el funeral del Cruz, del resto, la verdad es que parecían todas muy genéricas.

Calificación 8/10



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I have said many times that this series should have ended with the third season, but with the success it has, they are going to exploit it to the fullest. I abandoned it for a while, it wasn't until weeks before the sixth season premiered that I watched the fourth and fifth, it is an increasingly incoherent series in its plots, but I understand the success among viewers. I think for me it has become a guilty pleasure, if the Argentine actress continues in the seventh season I will watch it, because she is beautiful. I don't want to see the benjamins anymore. 😅 I invite you to explore the community and interact with other users, it is important to comment on the posts of other users in the niches where it is published. Do not limit yourself to respond to comments made to your posts, Hive is a social network and interaction is important.

The Benjamins will no longer be in the Series or at least that's what Netflix Latin America has announced.

Regarding the comments, I apologize, but I usually don't spend much time in the community, in fact, my two posts have been about Elite, but I'll try to interact more anyway. Thank you very much.