The Best $50,000 Invested In My Entire Life

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)

Versión en Español más abajo

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What would you do with an airdrop of $50,000?

The first thing I would do would be to immediately invest $10,000 in cryptocurrencies of which I would look at BTC, DOGE, and HIVE, leaving $1,000 in USDT for any eventuality that occurs with another currency.

I would visit my Family

Once that was done, I would go visit my mother and brother since they have been out of the country for a while now and I've been dying to go see them one more time. I'm sure at most I would spend about $3,000 - $4,000 dollars to cover the expenses of that trip, so I would still have another big chunk of money left to use.

I would Invest it in my profession

One of the things I have been keeping my HIVE in Stake is because I planned to use it to make the first investment in the materials I would need to develop professionally once I graduated as a veterinarian. I would invest a large portion in syringes, gloves, sterile gauze, medications, catheters, a stethoscope, various uniforms, nail clippers of various sizes, etc.

Me as Surgery assistant

I could finance spays and neuters by making them totally free to the public in order to polish my skills in the surgical area, of course having a veterinarian advising me at all times.

I will buy a CAR!

This is something necessary because the one we have in the house is getting damaged all the time... Well, it's a 2007 Optra, you know how that specific model behaves haha. Also, to end its useful life here at home, I would paint it, repair certain faults and then sell it to buy another car.

1 of 1000 photos being repared

The truth is that having a car will always be essential in any country in the world, however, in Venezuela if you do not have a car you are practically immobilized at home because public transportation has been deteriorating over the years until today where it is totally devastated. For this reason, I would use part of this money to buy a new car.

Although the most profitable would be to buy a used car, the truth is that I would like to spend a few years without worrying about repairs and failures, so I would go directly to buy a new one. I would be willing to invest about $20,000 in it.

And last but not least

If my calculations do not fail, I would still have about $10,000 left. Of that money, I would use half to distribute it with my family in Venezuela and with the Veterinarians of the clinic who have taught me so much all these years, and yet I think it would not be enough to thank them so much.

The other half I would use it to live a good time without the remittances they send me, and to be able to give them a break. I am very sure that no matter how much I wanted to give them the money they would not accept it, so I prefer to do it this way.

Now that this is clear, let's go to the second question...

If you are given a Hive power of 100,000 Hive, how exactly do you plan on using it?

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Art made with canva

If I received that amount of Hive Power I would love to create a new community, one aimed at students, I could call it Hive Students (I accept suggestions haha). But I would like to create it to be able to curate content related to studies. The truth is that it's an idea I've had for a long time, I just never took that initial step to implement it, could it be for fear of failure, I really don't know.

But what I am sure of is that there would be plenty of content to curate. For example:

  • Study tips
  • Experiences with your university careers, What is it like to study it?
  • What are your universities like? What makes them special?
  • Sources and pages of study support
  • Tips and experiences when applying for a scholarship
  • Student projects and activities

And so much more! I would invest part of my time in curating that kind of content because I know that there are many students like me, who are looking for a way to have a passive income so that when we graduate we start off on the right foot, and HIVE will allow us to do that.

It could also bring more traffic to the web because these are topics that I know many students would be interested in seeing and sharing.

Thanks for reading! visit the contest post to learn more HERE and I invite @elizabeths14 to participate.

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Poster hecho con canva

¿Qué harías con un airdrop de $50,000?

Lo primero que haría sería invertir inmediatamente $10,000 en criptomonedas de las cuales me fijaría en BTC, DOGE y HIVE, dejando $1,000 en USDT para cualquier eventualidad que ocurra con otra moneda.

Visitaría a mí Familia

Una vez hecho eso, iría a visitar a mi madre y a mi hermano, debido a que ellos se encuentran fuera del país desde ya hace un tiempo atrás y me muero por ir a verlos una vez más. Estoy seguro que como mucho se gastarían unos $3,000 - $4,000 dólares para cubrir los gastos de ese viaje, así que todavía me quedaría otra gran parte de dinero por utilizar.

Lo usaría en mí profesión

Una de las cosas por la cual he estado manteniendo mi HIVE en Stake es porque tenía planeado utilizarlo para realizar la primera inversión en los materiales que necesitaría para desarrollarme profesionalmente una vez me graduara como médico veterinario. Invertiría una gran parte en jeringas, guantes, gasas estériles, medicamentos, catéteres, un estetoscopio, varios uniformes, corta uñas de varios tamaños, etc.

Yo como cirujano asistente

Podría financiar esterilizaciones y castraciones dejándolas totalmente gratuitas al público con el fin de poder pulir mis habilidades en el área de cirugía, por supuesto teniendo a un veterinario asesorándome en todo momento.

¡Compraría un carro!

Esto es algo necesario, debido a que el que tenemos en la casa vive dañándose todo el tiempo... Bueno es un Optra 2007, ya saben como se comporta ese modelo en específico jaja. Así mismo, para darle fin a su vida útil aquí en la casa, lo pintaría, le repararía ciertas fallas y luego lo vendería para comprarme otro carro.

1 de 1000 fotos en reparación

Lo cierto es que tener un carro siempre va ser esencial en cualquier país del mundo, sin embargo en Venezuela, si no tienes carro quedas prácticamente inmovilizado en tu casa debido a que el transporte público se ha ido deteriorando a través de los años hasta la actualidad donde se encuentra totalmente devastado. Por esta razón, usaría parte de este dinero en comprarme un carrito nuevo.

Si bien lo más rentable sería comprar un carro usado, la verdad es que quisiera estar unos años sin preocuparme de las reparaciones y fallas del mismo, así que por eso me iría directamente a comprar uno nuevo. Estaría dispuesto a invertir unos $20,000 en ello.

Y por último pero no menos importante

Si mis cálculos no fallan, aún me quedarían unos $10,000. De ese dinero, utilizaría la mitad para repartirlo con mis familiares aquí en Venezuela y con los Veterinarios de la clínica que tanto me han enseñado todos estos años, y sin embargo creo que no sería lo suficiente para agradecerles tanto.

La otra mitad la usaría para vivir un buen tiempo sin las remesas de que me envían, y poderles dar un respiro. Estoy muy seguro que por más que quisiera darles el dinero no me lo aceptarían, por eso, prefiero hacerlo de esta forma.

Ahora que esto quedo claro, vamos con la segunda pregunta...

Si te dan un Hive power de 100.000 HIVE, ¿Cómo piensas utilizarlo exactamente?

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Arte hecho con canva

Si recibiera esa cantidad de Hive Power me encantaría crear una nueva comunidad, una dirigida a los estudiantes, la pudiera llamar Hive Students (acepto sugerencias jaja). Pero me gustaría crearla para poder curar contenido relacionado con los estudios. La verdad que es una idea que he tenido desde hace tiempos, solo que nunca he dado ese paso inicial para implementarla. ¿Será por miedo al fracaso? la verdad no lo sé.

Pero de lo que si estoy seguro es que habría bastante contenido para curar. Por ejemplo:

  • Tips de estudio
  • Experiencias con sus carreras universitarias, ¿Que tal es estudiarla?
  • ¿Como son sus universidades? ¿Que las hace especiales?
  • Fuentes y páginas de apoyo de estudio
  • Consejos y experiencias al solicitar una beca
  • Proyectos y actividades estudiantiles

¡Y muchas cosas más! Invertiría parte de mi tiempo en curar ese tipo de contenido porque sé que existen muchos estudiantes como yo, que buscamos una forma de tener un ingreso pasivo para que cuando nos graduemos empecemos con el pié derecho, y HIVE nos permitirá eso.

Además podría traer mas trafico a la web, debido que son temas que a muchos estudiantes sé que les interesaría ver y compartir.

¡Gracias por leer! visita el post del concurso para saber más de esta iniciativa AQUÍ e Invito a @elizabeths14 a participar.

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You staked Hives in preparation for your graduation as a Veterinarian? Wow. That is impressive! It's a smart move and I wish you success in it.

100k delegation is quite a large delegation. Using it to curate quality contents especially those by students? That is smart. I believe students should have a community of their own. It will make it easy to locate their posts.

Good luck in the contest 🙂

Hey thanks Kemmy! I really hope everything goes as I planned.

Big hug!

I'm impressed with your plans and I'm very happy to see that you are on the right track because from what you've said so far, your future as a veterinarian is already taking a good shape.

Your plan about getting a car is a good one too and I like everything you stated about how to use the HP if it finds its way into your wallet.

Your plan about to organise a reward system for students is also worthy of appreciation. I like it and l wish you success on this contest.

Thanks for participating in it.

Thanks my friend Kene! I really appreciate when people tell me I'm going to be a good vet and they hope the best for me. Be safe!

Pero ni por su mente pasó: darle $ 1 a Eli 😱🤨

Me gustan tus planes. Aunque eso de regalar dinero es un arma de doble filo. Lo de carrera, lo amé. Tienes un gran corazón.

JAJAJA capaz si me agarrabas de buen ánimo te enviaba unos $500 por ahí.


I read your work. It's so touching. I hope you win. I might participate once I finish engaging with different post

Thanks a lot! I will waiting to see yours

You are welcome

Then, I would be waiting to read from you as I am already engaging with others. You can visit mine too. 😉

That's a nice compilation of things you would do if given $50,000 and 100,000 HP.
I can imagine how it is repairing that old daddy (car) over a thousand times ;(
Anyway, setting up a community is an easy one but maintaining that community to ensure its smooth run is where the work lines, and I am sure with the Hive Power delegation it can be a great help.


You're completely right, maintaining a community it would be the most difficult part, that's one of the reasons in my head. It's like to be afraid of don't have any support i think

But it can become easier if you have people help run it with you. If not you might break down along the way which I know you wouldn't intend to do it all alone

I would buy 28100 CUB's

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

@onealfa.leo everyone knows you love the CUBS sir....nice one

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

hahah Today there will be an event in a Hispanic server where they are going to explain well how to use Cub Finance, I really don't know too much about it bc people says to me that I have to invest only in coins that I know. So I have to study it first.

let's see what happens today, and see if Cub Finance takes my attention, bc everybody is talking about that!

I love how you highlighted how you are going to spend your money especially going to visit your family, spending on your profession and then creating a community here to support others like me who need passive income to cater for themselves. I hope your desires are met because I believe I would benefit also. Lol

It would be really awesome to have that amount of money though.

I hope your desires are met because I believe I would benefit also

You make me laugh again xD well it would have mutual benefits.

Hehehe. Yea,thanks.


Hi... I love this.. The way you planned to spend the money touching almost every aspect of your life including friends and family.

Moreover, I love the idea you have for a community. Doing such would really come a long way for students. I will give you an advice, you don't have the power but take a leap of faith to create the community and definitely, others who buy idea would want to support by the way. It won't be easy though. The same happened to me, tripode and cwow when thinking of wither to make blogging challenge community or not.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, I know it's a bit demanding work, and what the three of you have with blogging challenge it's amazing, all the newbies and minnows are into it.

Thanks for your words!

Que bien @antoniojoseha sería una comunidad muy distinta a las existentes y eso está muy bien, solo para estudiantes. Poder compartir experiencias e intercambiar opiniones. Mucha suerte y un saludo.

Family is important and you just showed how important they are to spend some of your earning with them and Buying a car is great and more important when living in venezuela.
I like the idea of having a community called "hive student", I know the name will be refined with time. The concept behind the community is good, promoting knowledge, please when you hit that amount of hive power, I will be interested in joining that school. Lol. Good luck in the contest

Yeah, it would be cool to have a community for students. Of course I will let you know


𝔗𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔴𝔦𝔩𝔩 𝔟𝔢 𝔴𝔢𝔩𝔠𝔬𝔪𝔢

Your plan is very much associated with your real life. visiting to family, buying some equipment for your surgery and other purposes, buying a car. And finally most importantly helping your family with the fund and some of your veterinarian mates who are struggling.

I had almost similar kind of plan with Hive power to promote one of the educational channel and which is just similar to your idea. thank you very much for sharing your wish

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta