There is No Risk?

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I think this is a valid question. I remember at the beginning of the pandemic everyone was acting like a headless chicken not knowing what to expect. Once the situation has settled new narrative emerged. The narrative that I think still holds today, that is don't fight the FED.

Risk assets were arguably the best performers over the last year talking about the traditional markets. Look at gold fx nobody cares about it, because that is a safe haven asset, why would you need it if FED has your back? The smart move has been to stay invested in high-risk high-return assets.

The Crypto market is no exception. So on top of all the technical indicators I would be closely monitoring the fundamentals and in particular monetary policy changes. At this moment I'm highly convinced that the biggest risk to the all- asset bubble is the rapid change of course by the FED.

However how likely that is to happen remains to be seen...dicesovernewspapergdaa36a0cf_1920.jpg

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