for me here on Hive it's really about connecting with people
I'm not at all surprised that we're on the same page about this, Margarida.
being in a judgement free environment
I'm not sure that Hive is judgement free, per se. I've still seen hateful behaviour and expressions of disillusionment (if that's a word) on here. I think where there's people, there's all manner of human behaviour. But maybe there's less here? Maybe because it's newer and it attracts people who want to make something of themselves?
Either way, I notice when I see judgements, hate, etc and just breathe and be with what comes up for me, and then choose my response or action or non-action from a calm place again.
Thanks for the love, !LUV 😍
@consciouscat(5/5) gave you LUV.
H-E tools | connect | <><
Join LUV's 1st birthday celebration!
Uhhh I'm a bit delayed in responding to you sweet Caroline 🙏.
I hope you are well and having a great weekend ^^ Today I was thinking quite a bit of you. I was doing some house chores and thinking you expressed interest in seeing my warbrobe but I missed last LOH contest 😩 So I thought of a way to include my closet for this week assignment to answer you back 😊 Pictures are taken and I'm gonna dedicate the rest of my nice sunday night to free write a little bit 😍
That's a very needed reminder 😣 Even today I saw a post warning about new scammers appearing on Hive. This bad human behaviour is donne by leaving links to supposed HIVE rewards and it's only malware or something to steal your account... Really awful! We really need to be careful at all times.
I consider myself very very lucky that I've only met nice and encouraging people so far, like you 🙏. Hope it continues that way!
Stay safe! !LUV you 😘
Oh, good! Yes, I try and remind myself that even if I miss a contest cut off then I can still create the post anyway and share it anyway as its own standalone post. It also means I can twist it into any other kind of post I want because I don't have to adhere to the contest rules! 😁
I haven't seen anything about this (well, I guess now you've told me about it I have) but I do see bits of shadowy human behaviour pop up around the place here. I just pay attention and stay as present in my body as I can so I know what to trust and what to avoid. And common sense goes a long way. As someone said in a post somewhere today sometime (🤣): "Don't give your keys to anyone!"
Look forward to seeing your post, my !LUV 😍😊🙏
That's the amazing thing about contests! You can always take some inspiration to write about the questions they pose. And some of them are so interesting that what I lack is time to explore them all 🙈 but slowly and with compromisse we'll go a long way I believe 🙏
Defenitely Don't give your keys to anyone! About the recent hacker events here on Hive you can check this post from @jaydr 😉
Have a great week! 😘
YES!! 🙌 And there are so many interesting things to explore on Hive, I simply cannot keep up. I think, even if I did Hive full time, I'd still find more things I wanted to explore than I have time for ⏰
I believe we already are, my dear 😉😘
Thank you! 🙏 Yes, I saw the Hivewatcher's original post a day or two ago. 😠 You reminded me I should reblog it (so I just have). 👊
Have a gorgeous week being your honest lovely self, Margarida 🤗
I feel the same way! We can only give the time we have available after other priorities in life 🙏
Thank you! Have a great week yourself with lots of long walks in nature 😍 give a hi to your gecko friends for me will ya? 🙈
Talk soon ❤️
Bhahahaha. 🦎 Will do 😉