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RE: Some Thoughts On Hive Backed Dollar (HBD)

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Well, it's safety first for me. While I agree the cap needs to be raised at some point, I think we need to consider what the overall needs of the chain are at present and where we see them heading.

With HIVE still trading under $1, it seems it could still be vulnerable to the bad actors you're talking about. If and when a couple more of these projects come out and HIVE starts garnering some mainstream attention (outside of Splinterlands), then it would seem raising it may be advantageous and worth the risk.

I'm certainly no expert on how this all works so this is just my opinion based on reading the opinions of others.

As far as hard forks there one per year? Are they arbitrarily decided upon when something major is developed? How do those come about?

The reason I ask is because if they happen fairly regularly, then there could be some experimentation with moving it. If they don't, then it would seem like it might be better to wait for the need before raising the cap.

But, like I said, I don't completely understand the dynamics at play so...take my opinion for what it's worth.

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