Why Does Luck Play a Role in Success?

in LeoFinance2 years ago


Why Does Luck Play a Role in Success?

Hello Friends,

While there’s plenty of research and data on how professionals can increase their luck to achieve success more often, the question remains: why does luck even play a role in success in the first place? In a word, it’s because we live in an unfair world. The amount of randomness that creeps into our personal and professional lives is enough to drive anyone crazy. Unfortunately, no one has discovered a way to eliminate serendipity from life yet. That doesn’t mean you can’t increase your chances of success. It just means you have to work harder at it.

How Does Luck Play a Role in Success?

If you look at all the variables that go into success – hard work, determination, skill, timing, creativity, and luck – it’s easy to think that luck is the biggest factor in the equation. But this isn’t really true at all. Luck is just one factor out of many that influence success. If you’re not working at your success, luck may not be enough to help you succeed. This is especially true if you’re depending on dumb luck. For example, if you’re waiting for a big break to come along, like winning the lottery, you can’t really control when that break happens. Because luck is an uncontrollable variable, it will never be the sole determinant of success. If you want to succeed, you have to work hard. Luck alone won’t get you anywhere.

You Can’t See the Breakthroughs Before They Happen

There’s a reason that breakthroughs in science and technology happen suddenly. There’s no way to predict when they’ll occur. One of the most important things lucky people do is to keep trying, even when they’re not getting results. If you stop trying when you don’t get the results you expect, sometimes the breakthroughs just aren’t there. And what’s even worse is that you may not even realize that breakthroughs are just around the corner. Breakthroughs happen so suddenly that you’re often not even looking for them when they occur. Because breakthroughs are unexpected, they’re impossible to predict. This is just one example of how luck plays a role in success.

Sometimes the Equation Is Just Wrong

Sometimes you’re just not the right person for the job. In other words, the equation is just wrong. This could be the case with any employer or client you work with. Perhaps you would have been a good fit for the role if the position wasn’t eliminated in a round of budget cuts. Or maybe you just aren’t the right fit for the company’s culture. Sometimes the equation is just wrong because of luck. For example, if the company has been struggling and you’re hired to lead the turnaround effort, but the effort fails and closes the business, it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re a bad professional. If the company just wasn’t in a position to succeed, but you did everything you could, it’s not your fault.

Sometimes There’s Just No Way to Know Something Will Be Successful Until It Is
If you’re hoping to increase your luck, you should be careful about putting all your eggs in one basket.

While there are ways to increase your luck in certain areas, sometimes luck just isn’t enough. One of the reasons why you can’t always see breakthroughs coming is that they may be the result of something that you have no control over. For example, you may have developed the next great product, but the timing is off. The market may not be ready to embrace the product. Or maybe the technology isn’t available to make the product as useful as you had hoped. If timing is a factor in your success, you can’t do anything about it. Once the breakthrough occurs, you can’t go back in time and make it happen sooner. This is another example of how luck can affect your success.


Luck is an important part of any equation for success. The more you can increase your luck, the more likely you are to succeed. While luck may be an uncontrollable variable, you can do a lot to increase the amount of good luck in your life. By following some of the tips outlined in this article, you can take control of your life and increase your luck.

What do you think?

  • How do you increase your luck?
  • Do you believe in luck?


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