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RE: India among top countries for most online searches for Ether

in LeoFinance3 years ago

"The cryptocurrency market has been making lot of noise by scaling new highs and lows in recent times. Ether is one such digital currency among the many that has intrigued the market players all over the world, including India. "

Indians make use of cryptocurrencies alot,that is why i felt sad when i heard that it was banned by their government..

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Why won't they,they have seen the benefits of having cryptos and of course ethereum is among the best cryptos to buy right now..

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Based on its current behaviour on the market??it could still change again

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Yes it is possible for it to change,but one cannot say for now..

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Because indian government though its not in their profit. Inshort they are not having taxes over transection, it might be the big reason why they have imposed ban over it like other few countries.

Oh see that made them to feel cryptocurrencies are useless to them?

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