
Not really, that's largely the result of Hive going up 60%.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think LEO was so strong in value due to integration with Ethereum, and mostly the LEO/ETH liquidity pool. When Ether went up, LEO followed making LEO so much stronger compared to HIVE. Now we see an interest in HIVE, by investors and (probably mostly) traders pushing HIVE up. Leo is traded at DEX and HIVE at CEX. Two different groups of traders I suspect, both types concentration on either DEX or CEX. While Leo was benefiting from ETH, now it seems HIVE is benefiting from being listed at CEX. Also interesting to see Steem and HIVE are kinda in sync when pushed up at CEX's. All in all, a 1-2-1 LEO/HIVE is possible any time soon unless LEO gets more traction with the DEX investors and traders.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

From day one I had most of my LEO liquid with the initial aim to provide liquidity the moment the pool was created. Then I saw a large amount of liquidity provided by many of the LEO token holders and decided not to provide liquidity (mostly because I have no clue how the whole LP works) but to keep it liquid to trade a little with it against HIVE trying to increase my LEO stack. But I never did which is a bit of a shame, since, at some point in time we could get 8 HIVE for 1 LEO, while now its more like 2 HIVE for one LEO. I could've quadrupled my LEO stack in just a few months. I suppose I'm more like an invester than a trader :) Decided to powerup all my LEO so I can give out little larger votes benefiting the LEO community :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think, your decision is going to be paid out.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I do hope so 😉🎶

Such is the way of all markets. The prices will likely be irrational for a long long time until it becomes impossible to ignore it. HIVE is such a great ecosystem with bare bones DeFi now, we should be having at least 20% of the marketcap of Ethereum in a worst case IMO. But people just go after the hype and brand names. It is all good times for people like us to acquire more. I'm almost at 2000 LEO.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta