How to mitigate impermanent loss on Cubfinance or other Liquidity Provider Positions in DeFi?

in LeoFinancelast year (edited)


Liquidity Provision

  • This is an excellent financial strategy, which is a core part of the cryptocurrency investing revolution called decentralized finance.


  • Leoglossary:LeoGlossary:[Liquidity Pool (LP)]: Cryptocurrency assets that are decentralized exchanges which facilitate the trading of pairs.
    The tokens or coins are locked in smart contracts, providing liquidity, thus avoiding a problem common with such systems.
    Unlike traditional exchanges, a buyer and seller is not required to complete a transaction. With liquidity pools trades occur simply because one accesses a pre-funded pool.
    This eliminates the need to find individuals will to swap two assets.
    Liquidity Pools are an essential part of decentralized finance (DeFi). Hmmm I just said that, so we agree. :
    **Providers to the LP are rewarded for staking their asset. This can come in the form of the native token to the platform or from transaction fees.

Liquidity Risks:

  • It is an excellent financial strategy, but it is very important to understand the risks, and the importance of monitoring the value of your LP investment.
  • Those risks include something called Impermanent Loss, and a Project Hack or a Rug pull.
  • The last two are difficult to avoid, but best practices to avoid these include investing in a project which is old, invest in a project with a known creator, invest in a project which has been audited by a auditing firm of good reputation, and monitor Twitter and Project Discord for News of any suspicious activity, and withdrawal your funds immediately at the first sign of trouble.
  • The next one is impermanent Loss, which is debated in some circles as to whether it actually exists, which is funny because if you have been in a bear market and seen the value of your LP position shrink 30-60% you don't understand the debate at all. It is like the wind and sun, something which exists.
  • Your assets are value matched in a liquidity pool, which means equal market value, so if the market goes down, so does the value of your pool.
  • If the market drops 50% then the value of your Liquidity pool drops around 50%.

Now three points are important

  • First, if you were holding these same assets in your wallet, you would see similar drop, but not exactly the same.
  • Second, if the assets are in a liquidity pool with one member being a stable coin you see less drop in value in the pool, then in the market, because stable coins are a hedge against market volatility. So there's safety in those stablecoin to volatile token pairs pools.[My experience]
  • Third, Pure cryptocurrency asset pairs are more volatile, so larger gains, but also larger losses can occur. So for example, Cub-Hive asset pair is more volatile then Cub-BUSD pair

So you need to watch the value of your pools.

  • Its your money, so you should watch it.
  • Some yield farms have an indicator of the net asset value of your pool, which tells you if you lost any value, but others don't.
  • Cubfinance, which is the liquidity pool and staking project run by Leofinance doiesn't have this feature.
  • However someone @deathwing built a separate bot called "How Much ids my LP worth?" which tells you the value of each component of your asset pool and the number tokens, value of tokens, and overall value of your position.
  • I check it daily, it take 30 seconds once you set it up.

How much is my liquidity pool worth?

  • You need the address of your wallet, the MasterChief contract address and your all set.
    • Step two: Insert Pancakeswap address: 0x10ED43C718714eb63d5aA57B78B54704E256024E (The PancakeSwap default setting).
    • Step Three insert Masterchief
      COntract address: 0x10ED43C718714eb63d5aA57B78B54704E256024E (The PancakeSwap default setting).
    • Step Four: insert your metamask or your preferred wallet address which controls the assets you invested at Cubfinance CubDefi site:
  • The webpage will then indicate it is retrieveing the data.

My opinion?

  • For thise invested in Cubfinance the webpage How much is my LP worth? is very valueable, as it allows you to track the value of each component of your LP pair and the total value of your investment.
  • That makes it an excellent resource to help you mitigate risk of impermanent loss in a down market or even in a bull market.
  • Defi is risky, you could lose everything you invest, but if you keep track of it you can exit before all your capitol is lost. Just have a plan to exit at 85%, 80%, you decide.
  • And then STICK to YOUR plan. You can always buy back in lower.
  • And don't forget your daily earnings offset any losses to some degree or more.

Last Words

  • I invested in Cubfinance and made back all my capitol in the first 8 months, so my ROI or return on investment was 100%. But I still have the LP position, and technically it has lost over 30% of it's value, so I am still up, but If I had planned to exut at 75% of invested value, or 25% loss, I would be up more.
  • I was in a stable coin pair, wich also shielded me from the huge losses the general market experienced.
  • Have a plan and stick to the plan.
  • I learned a lot from this bull market, but I paid for it in real money.
  • Education here comes both from reading and experience. You do have to become engaged and actually invest to learn this space because there are so many, many small details to make money or more importantly avoid losing it.
  • This is my journey, yours may be different and your risk tolerance may be higher or lower.
  • Do your own research, own your decisions, and own the wins and losses also.
  • Good Luck and remember gambling is risky, the stock market is risky, Crypto is risky, Defi is risky, and you could lose everything you invest. But if you learn to play the probabilities in your favor, you could become something better then rich, you could become self sufficient, and that is priceless.



Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I learned about impermanent loss (IL) the hard way, through experience with a liquidity pool. Market volatility in either direction can cause an overall loss of value in your LP tokens. IMO, it's much less risky to stake your tokens on the network and earn a steady, predictable return on them. In the future, when crypto is less volatile, providing liquidity will provide good returns with far less risk of IL.

I agree that staking is simpler, and on the surface safer.

I agree that staking is simpler, and on the surface safer.

I kind of prefer debank now for tracking my positions. It just seems easier and there are less steps involved.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I am unsure if I have used it. Do you have a link?
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