Praying for better finances and sleight of economy

in LeoFinance4 years ago

A couple of points have come up in the last few days that prompted this post, with the first talking about praying for a better economic future. I mentioned that in my experience, praying doesn't help and the answer came that since they don't know anything about the money system, all they can do is pray and hope.

The second point was a post from @newageinv talking about helping his daughter with her social studies homework and what they were saying about banking, namely, "A bank is a good place to save money". Without going into too much detail, he introduced the idea to his daughter that, "there are always better ways to do things if we are able to control our own decisions."

I am all for hoping (not praying). but by my estimation, there is quite a difference between the two positions and I wonder how much affect it would have on the average outcomes of populations where one group prays, the other takes control of decisions. Perhaps a third group can do both, since there is nothing stopping the running of both "strategies" simultaneously.

What these two little points does potentially bring up is the difference in parenting approaches also, where some parents introduce financial consideration as something that can be used to influence outcomes, some might take the stance that economics is something that happens to us, not something we can affect. If we simplify this into two position, one person believes they have agency, the other believes they are economically impotent.

One is an economic force, the other an economic victim

This is a very, very large topic which requires many books to be written on it, but I wonder how many people have been raised to be economic victims that have no control over their actions and therefore outcomes - and how many have been raised to take control. The problem with this is, we as individuals do not choose where, when and to whom we are born, we do not get the chance to choose any aspect of our life and definitely have very little affect on how we are raised to believe in one thing over another.

The problem I have with the "pray" approach is that it encourages an external excuse as to why not to take internal control and actually learn about the things that affect our lives. For better or worse, we are all actors in the economy at a macro and micro level and we are all influenced by market forces that shift across the globe. While we may not be able to control at a macro level, we do have some influence over the micro levels where we make daily decisions on how we act.

From my perspective, one of the best decisions a person can make in life is to embark on the journey to understand economics from as many viewpoints as possible and both how the economy itself operates and perhaps more importantly, how behavior is affected by economic activity. For better or worse, we are all affected as participants in the system and we will never have complete control, but understanding what affects us and what we can influence and control allows us the opportunity to predict and prepare for various events and through this, we get the space to benefit or mitigate damage, which is a benefit in itself.

Personally, I find it incredibly telling that while in most schools there is some kind of compulsory social studies or geography courses, economics is not a compulsory course. While school might not be the best teacher of much of anything, if you consider that a great number of parents struggle to understand economics at any level due to their own past limitations and conditions, at least a class would open up the possibility and understanding that we are agents, not victims. This might pass over many heads as teens, but it could also pique the curiosity in some, who will explore further and then be better able to introduce their own children to ideas of taking economic responsibility.

While not religious myself, I would consider praying is something that would be done to ask for what one cannot do for oneself - when there is no other option. For all else, we should take responsibility for what we can take responsibility for. We live in a world like we have never lived before with access to the entire retained information of all that we know, yet there seems to be a lot of people who feel that they do not have any agency over their outcomes and are victims of the world.

Pray all you want and perhaps it will help bring all your hopes and wishes to fruition, but I suspect, that without preparing the ground, planting the seeds and tending to the trees as they grow - praying alone will bear no fruit.

I believe that there is a systematic and possibly intentional failure to introduce and encourage good economic hygiene by making people feel that they have very little control over their own financial decisions. So, those who control the economy, control them. As our eye of attention is drawn to the latest drama, what are we missing?

Sleight of hand, sleight of economy.


We are consuming, we are wasting - but what are we producing and who benefits from what we create?

[ Gen1: Hive ]


Unfortunately, we must also be consumers. There is no demand in the economy ultimately not created by consumers.

Exactly. But, what we consume dictates supply and like I said to someone the other day, buy shit, eat shit. Supply follows demand. It is the supply of good, services, information and everything else. The media is a cesspool because of what we choose to watch and pay for.

Absolutely nothing wrong in praying in my view. But I agree that praying will do nothing but comfort if we don't take action. People seem to forget that life is something we have to be deliberate about

life is something we have to be deliberate about

I feel that looking only for external help is deliberate avoidance.

Amazing latency on my node. When I voted you had 13 votes and 0.01 rewards, which seemed nonsensical. Then after my vote you have 146 votes and 22.25 in rewards. I haven’t figured out node switching on mobile yet. It’s yet another active thing for me to do. :)

:D yep, there is a bit of lag around, but it also has to factor in the 3 second block times and some votes seem to come stacked around the same time frame.

who benefits from what we create?

I benefit from what you create. I learn, I enjoy, I am entertained, and you make one think. So I benefit from what you create, and what others like you create.

Word meanings and usage change over time, symbol meanings change over time, and confusion it seems never changes with time, it is always there in one form or another.

When I was just starting my working life, I did not understand the thievery of Banks, until they stole my very hard earned money. It was only 50 dollars, not much even back then, but stolen it was.

I changed over to a Credit Union after that. I applied for a loan to try and build my credit history more, I was denied, I was young, I asked why, and they explained that while I had started off right building my credit, I now needed to decrease my debt levels and move to just two credit cards at the max. So I did.

Economics is something that should be taught, not doubt about that.

It is pretty amazing that most of us no so little about how economics works, yet we feel confident enough to borrow money on credit terms.

I benefit from what you create. I learn, I enjoy, I am entertained, and you make one think. So I benefit from what you create, and what others like you create.

Thanks. I meant the question more from the sense of generally, but I think you know that. We consume so much daily, but don't spend much time thinking about what we generate with the energy we have eaten.

This was an interesting discussion of prayer, hope, active participation and authoring of ones success versus a passive hope money will fall from the sky approach.
Thanks, you gave me some things to think about on the plane tomorrow. How can I more actively participate in my own success and be the author of my dreams coming true.

How can I more actively participate in my own success and be the author of my dreams coming true.

This is a question we should all ask ourselves as well as,

How can I more actively participate in the success of others.

Are the two mutually exclusive?

I think you hit the nail on the head. I think I have read that true success comes not from WINS, but from WIN-WINS, where two parties benefit, so the relationship doesn't end with the first interaction and the behavior is engaing nd mutually beneficial...sort of like here...(lightbulb goes on in my mind).

sort of like here

Very much so :)

You were saying about engagement today and this is the approach I have taken. It is very hard and takes a lot of my time (it is after 2am here), but if I want this place to have value, I have to be willing to add value also. I get the sense that a lot of the value I add isn't in the posts, but under them. I think part of the retention is having people who are relatively public paying attention.

When about 6, my niece wrote a letter to the President of Finland asking a question and got a hand written response in the mail. Small things matter long term.

Praying as a form of excuse. I could not agree more. Just praying will do nothing. Kids should learn economics from an early age, it is indeed intriguing that the education system does not include this in their curriculum. With no financial education and with a mentality of pray and hope... No wonder we are mostly consuming.
Taking responsability will make the tree show some fruits. Hoping that having a shovel will not help unless you take that shovel into your own hands and start digging. Inside. For the outside to become what you desire.

it is indeed intriguing that the education system does not include this in their curriculum. With no financial education and with a mentality of pray and hope... No wonder we are mostly consuming.

I would say that this is part of the plan. However, the issue is that for "the plan" to work, there still has to be some percentage of people generating, not just consuming - and that is not happening fast enough.

The process is slow. One can only try to educate themselves and their children

Point understood... working on understanding how money and economies work...


Keynesian Economics basically states "A consumer will always make the decision that affords (him) the most advantage." Behavioral Economics has clearly shown that to be untrue. So the fact that I can't understand should be somewhat expected since ECONOMISTS don't understand.

Which takes away nothing from personal responsibility. We are one and all responsible. Note the period at the end of that statement.

Hope (prayer) is never a plan. It is the antithesis of a plan.

When I was growing up there was a popular saying that was passed down in my community: "Wish in one hand, shit in the other. See which one fills up faster."

Perhaps what the consumer has been trained to evaluate as an advantage has changed since Keynes. Consumers could be "tricked" into valuing the valueless - a new phone model, that doesn't add anything of practical value, higher internet speeds that will never be maxed, an expensive pair of running shoes, worn by people who don't run. Keynesian models never factored for Google, Amazon or Facebook either - which is another issue.

"Wish in one hand, shit in the other. See which one fills up faster."

Seems these days, a lot of people are shitting in one and wishing for shit in the other.

First thing they see on the first day of school is this colourful ball, spider-webbed by imaginary "borders".
Never once have I seen an accurate representation of our home, in a classroom.

This is a very good point. Pretty much everything feeds back into being a subject.

The whole world will experience financial recessions (some more than others, obviously), but gradually, I hope that everyone can recover as quickly as possible.

It is the recovery time that sets some outcomes apart.