EDENOS faceID scan + IRL crypto donations + New DPOS twitter + tip.cc discord tip bot TTS + vimm.tv

in VIMM.TV - Streaming2 years ago (edited)

#edenos is on eosio and lets you scan your face to get into your wallet because eos uses C programming language, it will be a big faceID machine, and IRL donos ... and new DPOS twitter can facilitate the live streams

The EOSIO edenos system facilitates a BLOCKCHAIN system for FACEID login to your wallet and donations. vimm.tv hive and telos DSTOR ipfs torrents tyle Video hosting and streaming will act as our bitwave.tv style censorship proof streaming dapp, and the @tipcc and hive engine and eosio token donations will facilitate the financial aspect and advertising.

Now donations show up for whoevers FACE appears on stream, fair and evenly. no arguing over face time / screen time.. it can revolutionaize hollywood etc