My Missing Diary 

in The Ink Well4 months ago

“Who must have taken my diary? I hope my messages have not been read by someone. Or would it, by any chance, be my mom? If she's the one, then I'm doomed.”

My diary is something I can never joke about and something I always keep and hide from the reach of people, as well as my parents. I write all my worries and problems in it. In school, I have been crushing on Felix, and anything he does in the class that makes me smile, I do write. I also write in my diary about the kind of person he is and how handsome his hair, face, look, color, and everything else about him are.

“Hi, Abigail! What's up?” On hearing this from David, my crush, I melted and my eyes widened. This would be the first time David would talk to me since we have been together in the same class for a year now.

“No prob," I replied with a sweet voice, wanting to hear other words from him. Although he is the type who does not talk too much, His speech only goes once, and that's all.

Karolina Grabowska

I picked up my diary and wrote in it how he talked to me and the way I replied.

He is seated two seats away from mine but in the back seat. I wanted to sit at the back so that I could see his face clearly, but my class teacher arranged the seat according to his wish.

I tried hard to get his attention, but the more I tried, the harder it was for me to get closer.

On the first day of the month, which was the first day of our exam, I saw David with Clementine. Clementine was my classmate, but we were only talking because we were in the same class. Seeing her get close to David made me so angry. I tried to move closer to where they were just to hear what they were discussing, but then they were dismissed from their immediate position. I took my diary and wrote what had happened in it. Each item written goes with its date and time.

It was time for my exam, and I began to prepare. I read so much just to pass my exams to the brim. I just wanted David to notice me, if not forever, then for the second time. Apart from the first day he managed to speak to me, I was not opportune to talk to him again. I was so excited talking to him, but then I don't know if he saw something awkward in me that made him dislike me.

In the house, I dropped my diary beside my bedside alongside my books and slept off. I rested my hand on my diary, but when I woke up at night just to pick up my book, I was unable to find my diary.

“Mum, one of my books is missing. Did you see it?” I tried to ask my mom just to see if she took my diary.

“Which of your books is missing, and where did you drop it?” My mom asked while pretending not to have seen what I was looking for. Although I was only careless to have left it on my bed without dropping it in my bag.

When it was morning, I was unable to sleep well, and just because of the thought of my diary, I began to doze off. My mom had to wake me up and ask me to go to the bathroom just to have my bath.

“This one, my mom, is behaving so kindly; I hope she has not taken my diary,” I murmured silently to myself.

I went to the bathroom, had my bath, and left for school. While in school, I was feeling uncomfortable. I tried hard to forget it, but then I could not let go of the thought.

“Hay, Abigail! How are you today?” “Eh, what's good today about David? Did he see something strange in me today?” I murmured within me.

“I'm cool, and you?” I asked silently and calmly. The madness of not seeing my diary went off me.

“Please, I need you to help me solve this question.” David opined. I thought he could not approach me to ask for anything. I just hope I impressed him by solving the question.

“Where is the question?” I asked.

“Here,” David handed his notebook, where he wrote the question. It was the same question I had solved while at home that he brought to me. I could not waste any time solving it. He appreciated me so much that he kissed me on the cheek. This moved me crazy, but then there was no diary to record what had happened that day.

Throughout that entire day, I was busy remembering the kiss. After the exam, I went home and began the search for my diary.

“Abi!” my mom yelled.

“Have you been dating someone in school?” The question came just like a needle that pierced through a cloth.

“I don't understand, Mom," I replied while melting deep inside of me as my mom had found out all my secrets.

“I saw this book, and I decided to go through it. I saw so many write-ups in it," my mom said.

“Mum, it's not what you think.” I tried to make the situation look palatable, but my mom remained my mom. She just wanted to hear it from me.

“I'm going to meet with your principal tomorrow with the diary if you do not tell me the truth," my mom said.

“I'm not dating anyone, but just crushing on him. I only like him and nothing more," I opened up to my mom.

“Did I send you to school to crush on one useless boy?” She asked.

“I'm sorry, mom. I won't do that again." I apologize.

With the way, she saw my facial look, she knew I was ready to change.

“Alright, I will burn this diary.” I could not cry, although I was in pain, as I was unable to remember most of what I had written down in the diary as well as the dates. While the diary was burning, my heart was beating so fast, just as if I should quench the fire, but I could not. I watched the diary until it turned to ashes.

“If you like, try to get a new one. I will report to your dad and the principal this time," my mom warned me seriously.


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It is sad when our parents do not understand out first approaches to feel love, as they would not have experienced it either.

Nice story!

It is sad for a teenager to see something so intimate torn from their hands and destroyed. The protagonist did not have a happy ending.

Thanks for sharing your story.
Good day.

Eiiii, African mothers ooooo, so you were swept off your feet when David kissed your cheek, hmmm but your mom didn't like that so you had no choice. Did you get another diary?

Hello abigail04, really sad story, it is terrible the violation of privacy that made the mother of the protagonist.

I can feel the emotions and struggles of your protagonist. The relatable theme of having a secret diary and the anxiety of someone discovering your inner thoughts is well-portrayed. The interaction with David and the kiss on the cheek is sweet, but the mom's reaction is quite intense! I'm left wondering if the protagonist will get another diary and continue writing their thoughts. Well done, and keep sharing your creative writing!"

Oh no! This sound to be so painful to see the dairy burning. But her shouldn't have burn the dairy.

What a Shame! She burned the diary. I guess Moms will always be Moms and do what they think it's best