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RE: Forward motion and new horizons

in OCD3 years ago

Yes. Yes and yes. I have moved 23 times in almost 27 years, mostly for work, sometimes for change, and once for fun.

All kidding aside, Every day is part of the journey called me. The location changes, but, the job remains much the same. I find that I can find the right balance by giving myself some time to be me and working without being a slave to the job. I'm ready to walk away from work, I have done my time, filled my nest, and put some away for the olden days.

I feel safe. I feel secure. I love life and I love myself. Therefore, I am doing this for myself and for my family. There is so much work out there, so much contracting/consulting. I don't have to work this hard. I can work selectively or not at all.

Just do it. That is what I tell myself.

Good luck to you! I know you will be amazing, no matter what you do.


I think it's good to have change in life, it keeps things interesting and whilst it can be difficult at times it's also beneficial; even the difficult times though we may not see that at the time.

You've moved around a lot so I think you get what I'm saying.

It is one of the reasons I admire you walking away from a toxic job. When you are done healing thyself, I hope you lean towards something that will offer more balance and time off to do something for yourself. I need to go back and read about the garden. I see a post just begging me to come.

Can I buy more time from you? :( Mine is used up before I start my day.

Balance is what I'll be seeking. I don't know what it looks like but I think I'll know it when I see it.

I'll sell you some time. Let's hit the negotiating table and see what we can come up with.

You are on!