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RE: Forward motion and new horizons

in OCD3 years ago

You're a good example of someone who has taken stock then taken action. Has it been difficult at times? I'm sure it has, emotionally or even just logistically, but here you are extolling the virtues after many years of making your life happen the way you want it to be.

So many feel trapped in their situation or simply don't do the work to evaluate it. Some are too attached to material things or simply lack the courage to act. Whatever it is, many will accept their lot in life as it's easy to do so. Some take action though and whilst it's not always easy, it always causes change. That's not a bad thing.

Balance between what we have to do and what we want to do

Yes, exactly. And in some, design and create ethos and all of a sudden things are feeling pretty good.

Great comment, thanks!


Has it been difficult at times? I'm sure it has, emotionally or even just logistically...

For sure. All of that and also financially, because I didn't necessarily move to a better-paid position, but had to start in a different country. But it was all worth it and I would do it again, maybe even a little earlier in life.

Good things sometimes start off feeling uncomfortable right?

Indeed they do. Experience talking here I can hear it and know it myself :)