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RE: Forward motion and new horizons

in OCD3 years ago

Good leadership requires more effort to achieving greatness. Sometimes you have to surrender your all and pretend it is all cool knowing very well things hurt. Especially if that's all it takes to make things right. I made a great moment when l led a group last year. Thanks for reminding me of this sir. You are an inspiration.


Hi there McSamm, thanks for your comment.

pretend it is all cool knowing very well things hurt

I sort of agree here, but I don't pretend things hurt. I know they do, have in the past and that they will in the future also. It's those hurts, the failures, that help determine the way forward though and so I embrace that pain, hurt, failure, disappointment...Whatever we call it that's one certain way of learning what not to do which, of course, leads us into what to do. It's then up to us to deploy. To take action.