Bitter-sweet heartbreak (Freestyle collage) [EN | DE]



Love can be like chocolate. Sweet, charming and tender.
But beware if it breaks. Then bitterness becomes the flavour, and the finish is spicy.


Liebe kann wie Schokolade sein. Süß, reizvoll und zart.
Doch wehe, sie bricht. Bitter wird dann ihr Aroma, scharf wird sie im Abgang.


About my collage

Indeed, my wife was involved in this endeavour. But of course, no, there is no heartache between us.
It was rather that we were watching a documentary together about taste and emotions on the internet. Actually, it was only on the side, as we were on our holiday and planning a hiking tour.
When a chef in the documentary claimed to be able to reproduce every human emotion in a culinary way, my ears pricked up. A bold claim, wasn't it?
The chef then elaborated on his claim, explaining that it is all just a matter of an interplay of different sensory experiences resulting from a composition of triggering impressions.
Me and my wife started a short conversation about what we had heard. I asked her how she would want to express love in a culinary way. She replied, " Isn't love said to be bitter-sweet?"
And that immediately got my muse booted up. So I imagined a lovesick person with a lemon in the head. I don't know why, but that very image was immediately in my head.
For some reason, I liked this idea and was tempted to make a collage of it.


Über meine Collage

Dieses Unterfangen hatte tatsächlich mit meiner Frau zu tun. Aber nein, zwischen uns gibt es keinen Kummer.
Es war vielmehr so, dass wir gemeinsam eine Dokumentation über Geschmack und Emotionen im Internet schauten. Eigentlich lief sie nur nebenher, da wir uns im Urlaub befanden und eine Wandertour planten.
Als in der Dokumentationen ein Koch behauptete, jede menschliche Emotion kulinarisch abbilden zu können, wurde ich hellhörig. Eine gewagte Behauptung, nicht war?
Der Koch ging dann näher auf seine Behauptung ein und erklärte, dass alles nur eine Frage des Zusammenspiels verschiedener sinnlicher Erfahrungen sei, die durch eine Komposition auslösender Eindrücke zustande käme.
Meine Frau und ich begannen ein kurzes Gespräch über das Vernommene. Ich fragte sie, wie sie denn Liebe kulinarisch ausdrücken wollen würde. Sie entgegnete: "Sagt man nicht, Liebe sei bitter-süß?"
Und das lies meine Muse auch sofort hochfahren. So stellte ich mir einen liebeskummernden Menschen mit einer Zitrone im Kopf vor. Ich weiß nicht warum, aber genau dieses Bild war sofort im meinem Kopf.
Irgendwie gefiel mir diese Vorstellung und es reizte mich, sie in einer Collage zu verewigen.



RosePixabay Link
HeartPixabay Link
LemonPixabay Link
ThornsPixabay Link
The woman (my own creation (Blender 3D))image.png



RosePixabay Link
HerzPixabay Link
ZitronePixabay Link
DornenPixabay Link
Die Frau (meine eigene Kreation (Blender 3D))image.png

Best regards | Viele Grüße

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╰━━━━⋞ ♫ My Rising Star(s) ⋟━━━━╯


Un collage extraordinario y un relato de prefiguración muy interesante. Como siempre las texturas son para dejarlo a uno un buen rato mirando. En particular, me gustó la potencia de las sensaciones táctiles que evoca. Un bello y expresivo trabajo.
Un abrazo enorme, @quantumg , maestro.

Muchas gracias @adncabrera. :-)
Me alegro de que te guste el collage y que entiendas esta expresion creativa.
Aunque soy un aprendiz muy diligente, porque mis proyectos no siempre son capaces de hablar un lenguaje claro.

Un abrazo para ti tambien. 🤗

Hello @quantumg,

Of course your skill matches your concept. That must be so satisfying to imagine an idea, an outcome, and then to realize it. This happens for me when I write sometimes, and it is a beautiful feeling.

The symbolism of your piece works very well, but the part that stood out for me was the rose and the thorns. I think that is perfect (maybe because I"m not too much of a foodie).

She is bound by the thorn stems. Love binds us, with both pleasure and pain. What relationship is not fraught? What relationship is without at least momentary uncertainty? And yet, there is the rose, the beauty of love that holds us.

Nice, eloquent collage. Welcome back from vacation.

Hi and thank you @agmoore. :-)
I'm happy you like it. Especially because at first I wasn't sure if I should publish it. Because actually it doesn't meet my usual genres, it's an unsafe territory for me.

That must be so satisfying to imagine an idea, an outcome, and then to realize it.

Indeed, that must be very satisfying :-D
In the end, I've learned a few tricks in the meantime, but I too often try new ways. So time is not necessarily a factor that has improved for me when making visual stuff. It's still and always an experiment to realize my intentions.
However, it's mostly the repetitive things in GIMP that now fly off my hand more easily.

What relationship is not fraught?
Absolutely, and maybe therein is even to be found the essential power of true love. A motor that drives us to learn more about each other.
In my language, we say there is no heat without friction.