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RE: LMAC Website Dev-Blog | LMAC Webseite Entwickler-Blog #4 [EN | DE]

in Let's Make a Collage3 years ago

no one brought champagne

Come on, 3 minutes after our go live I threw champagne bottles at you. Several of them. And party poppers and a rocket too. Emojis, I know, but still... xD

No, seriously, you did some amazing work here and the whole community applauds you - so even if your ears betrayed you back then in your office, the cheering crowd was there :)

Thanks for your dedication to our community and cheers to what is yet to come!


I threw champagne bottles at you.

Explains the memory gap about the occurrence of this happening. xD

Honestly, this was a pretty relaxed release and it was all a lot of fun. And the fun continues, which is the the best news.

I would also like to express my gratitude to you! It really is a great experience and a blessing for be to be allowed to continue developing such a great thing as LMAC together with a spontaneous and visionary administrator as you truly are.