selfhelp4trolls cross-posted this post in Cross Culture last year

Opening up is hard for men. Do you agree or disagree?

in OCDlast year (edited)


Let’s have a talk today. A talk most people dread.
This is our reality.

I shared a post with my friends and everyone had a different opinion.


I came across this photo in my gallery and decided to share it on my WhatsApp status. I actually do not know where this image came from. Maybe I got it from someone else’s status.

A few minutes after this post majority of those who viewed it came into my dm’s to share their thoughts.

In as much as I learnt from them and understood what they were drawing at , I was also saddened.

I am from Africa specifically Ghana and where I’m from , men are made to feel as though they cannot show emotions.
I am beginning to think this is how it has been from the beginning of time up until today.

‘ A man is supposed to be tough and not show emotions.’’A man is not supposed to cry or even share his problems with others most especially women.’
Who invented that? Are men not human?

The society in which we find ourselves today has made men totally shut down. A man would be struggling and still pretend everything is okay.
In the end, we end up loosing our men to suicide.
Isn’t this sad?

Are women actually the problem?

One other factor is WOMEN.
I have come across a lot of men who say they cannot confide in women no matter the situation. Others say the worst thing a man can do is to trust a woman.
That’s the sad reality of our men today, most especially African men.

Why is this so?

From my observations , most of our men see women as the common enemy. They feel if they confide in a woman she will end up betraying him or using his insecurities against.

Well, we see that happen a lot so who is to blame?
Women? Men? Society? The world? The system?

The question of the day.

Why are men made to feel they can’t show emotions or be vulnerable?

Share your thoughts with us.

The hard truth.

So apparently , in our part of the world women are given the upper hand in various sectors as compared to men.

Why is that so?

Is it because women are not empowered in our part of the world and so the focus is mainly on the girl child now?

Or it is because men in our part of the world hide the hurt and pain all in the name of being strong and tough?

Or you think it’s some other reason. Let us know what you think.

Dear men, it’s okay for you to show emotions . You deserve to express what you feel at some point.
Do not let society suppress you.

We are with you.
With love.🫶🏻