Does Skin Color Make Any Difference In Life?

in Threespeak4 years ago

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There is something in life that we have no control. We cannot do anything about it. You cannot decide who will be your parents, your father, and your mother. You cannot decide on your skin color. We are born with it.

Does Skin Color Make Any Difference .png

Now we can do a lot of things and we have that technology. Still, when we see some people's behavior, it feels terrible. Do you think skin color defines a person whether he is a good guy or bad guy? You do not believe someone because of his skin color.

Suppose, you have a different skin color, do you expect other people hate you because of that? Of course not. Skin color does not express whether you are a good guy or a bad guy.

We will not live in this world forever. We have to die after a certain period of time. What would happen after death? Your skin color, power, pride, everything will be gone forever. If you think about that, you will behave in a way that is acceptable in society.

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Hi, I am Rezoanul Vibes. I'm a content creator and passionate learner. I write about lifestyle, martial arts, self defense, and digital marketing. I started making videos without me on the video. Well, you cannot see me, but you can hear my voice. I'm glad to meet amazing people all over the world.

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Source: 1, 2, 3, and 4.

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no at all ! We have to talk above these things. But still many people believe in this type of things. Great explanation in this video.

I completely agree with you. It feels terrible when you see some people still consider this thing. Thank you @luckyali for your comment!

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