🌎🌎🌎 Cross Culture Question : What was the biggest culture shock you have ever experienced? 🌎🌎🌎

in Abundance Tribe β€’ 4 years ago
Authored by @whatamidoing

Cross Culture Questions is a chance to get to know more about each other’s culture and dive into the deep topic that is culture, whether it be the culture of a country, a minority, a sub-culture or any collection of people. Hive across Culture is a community for discussing any aspect of any culture, cultural analysis, culture shock, comparison, or any aspects of a culture or country or language. All bilingual posts are welcome too.

We have now partnered up with abundance tribe for Cross Culture Questions. This allows our posts to reach a larger audience and receive larger upvotes and prizes and connect with one of my favorite groups on Hive. I plan on giving away 60-70% of payout to the best answers as tips!

Last week:

Last week's question was "What is something you love about the country you grew up in?" We had a bunch of great posts. These posts will recieve a % of the reward from this post right here. I gave a higher percentage to posts which felt undervalued, since some posts got a high payout and some did not.


By @macchiata
She doesn't realize how much insight she has, I like to hear her talk about Indonesia.

The Wild

By @lafeedekalarka
Colombia sounds like paradise on earth from this post! I really want to go.

Reminiscing British History

By @minismallholding
@minismallholding shares a love for British history. Recently I've also become more interested in it.

The Magic and Wonder of Ireland

By @trucklife-family
This was a great read! I feel like she really did some digging to find some hidden love for her hometown.

Eggheads! The story of a hangry dinosaur aka Another Day in the Life of Hypersensitivosaurus

By @vincentnijman
Vincent found a way to make a fictional post that answered the weekly question. His character doesn't like politics though ;-P

It's not a place to Visit, Its a place to experience life! My India

By @steemflow
India! It feels like a place everyone needs to go but I've yet to go there! Soon, I hope!

Thanks guys!

This weeks question:

What was the biggest culture shock you have ever experienced?

This can be something you felt while travelling, living abroad, talking to a foreigner in your own country, or something you felt while watching TV or reading a book. You could also talk about generation gaps or personal culture if you want. Try to give as much detail as possible!


  • Please post your submissions in the Hive Cross Culture! community.
  • A few nice answers will receive a percentage of the next curation post or a 5-20 hive tip!
  • Best answers will be curated in the next Culture Question post!
  • please use the tag #crossculture and #ccquestion
  • please use put (ccquestion) or (cross culture question) at the end of your posts title
  • Share your honest opinion but try to be respectful of others too!
  • Deadline: 9/17

And feel free to join us in the Hive Cross Culture Discord](https://discord.gg/TawJWFn)


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This is by no means an entry, but I have just the post of this! It is an ancient one about my very first culture shock - Josie's Mind-menders - I - Culture Shock and Windows to Other Realms

And yes, the reverse culture shock is also an interesting experience, when you've spent enough time outside your childhood culture that upon returning, you can see all those hidden assumptions, you're unable to see whilst living in it. It's like the new perspective has given you the ability to see the cultural blindspots. An amazing experience.


Ah, fantastic article! I hope you can come up with something else and make a submission πŸ˜‡, or even make a post with links to various other posts about culture shock!

Found this interesting question, and here's my entry: Life in the UAE: My Biggest Culture Shock [Cross Culture Question]

AWesome this is on Abundance Tribe now!!! Brilliant. Funny, I never experience culture shock. I only ever get it in reverse - when I come home. I always travel eyes and heart wide open, and never assume my culture is the benchmark for normality. And the more different to my own, the more I enjoy the cultural experience!

That's an interesting point. It could explain why Australia has been the only place to surprise me, because the language is the same, the infrastructure is similar, so I was expecting that everything else would be the same too. Yet the differences are so subtle, I wonder if I could put my finger on anything specific.

Well yeah, that's interesting, as my husband kinda feels the same. Now that you think about it, maybe you're right - it's the English speaking countries that are culturally shocking, as you expect them to be the same but they aren't!

That sounds like a good post! Hope you share it!

Reverse culture shock is fine! Talk about it!!