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RE: Is There Scientific Proof For Law Of Attraction? (Emma & Jay’s Debate) - Pt. 2

in Abundance Tribe2 years ago

Thanks very much! And yes, you've raised an excellent point! Science calls what your example the 'Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon' or 'Frequency Bias', while Law Of Attraction calls it 'Like Attracts Like' or 'As Within, So Without.'

But as you say, both the 'woo-woo' side and the 'science' side both acknowledge that something happens when we put our attention on something, and that it does indeed 'somehow' seem to manifest more often in our lives.

"What are you focusing on?" is really at the heart of life, excellent question, comment, and insights here. Thanks again for writing, wishing you a great day! 🙏