The 10 Commandments (Of Law Of Attraction) To Live Your Best Life

in Abundance Tribe3 years ago

This is just a quick post covering my 10 Law Of Attraction 'Commandments.' To apply them, many of us need to unlearn a lot of bad habits (or need therapy, hehe.) And even if we don't, although each of the commandments are simple to practice, like many things, they can also end up quite nuanced, even with a deep understanding of them.

I won't explain the nuances in-depth, since each one could probably be a book on it's own, but if you have any questions, please ask in the comments and I'll explain as best as I can.

Here's the 'ancient language' version of them first:

00380 - 10 LoA Commandments.png

I. Thou shall practice & prioritize feeling good.

II. Thou shall elevate thy beliefs, moods, and choices.

III. Thou shall take full responsibility for thy life.

IV. Thou shall make thy desires effortless & obvious to yourself.

V. Thou shall admit and dissolve resistance.

VI. Thou shall focus on the essence of each desire, not the how.

VII. Thou shall be as judgment-free & pure-hearted as possible.

VIII. Thou shall be grateful for positive and negative.

IX. Thou shall give what's wanted internally to manifest externally.

X. Thou shall replace fear with love.

I was playing around with old school biblical language initially, but I figured modern-day peeps may be more receptive to modern-day language, so I re-phrased them into the following:

Here's the 'modern language' version of them:

00380 - 10 LoA Commandments___Modern.png

1: . You must practice & prioritize feeling good.

2: . You must elevate your beliefs, moods, and choices.

3: . You must take full responsibility for your life.

4: . You must make your desires effortless & obvious to yourself.

5: . You must admit and dissolve resistance.

6: . You must focus on the essence of each desire.

7: . You must be as judgment-free & pure-hearted as possible.

8: . You must be grateful for positive and negative.

9: . You must give what's wanted internally to manifest externally.

10: . You must replace fear with love.

A small note: The last 9 commandments can actually be extrapolated from the first, so that's all you really need to manifest whatever you want and a truly great life. Prioritizing feeling good takes huge awareness and emotional mastery but it's all you need, to figure out the remaining commandments.

Anyway, these were put together after years of study and practice (some of them spent homeless on cold Toronto streets), and I hope you enjoy them.

(P.S. Tagging a few people who may enjoy: @drrune , @miriannalis , @riverflows :D)


I should write out these ten commandments on my sticky notes and recite them to myself every morning.
I think this has to be buried in my heart.

Thank you for sharing.
Today, I choose love over fear.

Hooray! I'm so glad they resonated with you, and keeping them as a visual reminder is a great idea! Perhaps I'll make them my laptop background/wallpaper too. Great idea!

Yes, may we all choose love over fear, as many moments as possible. Wishing you a great day! 🙏

Thank you, have a great day too.



Thanks for tagging me! I actually think that it's the 10th point that encompasses the rest, hahaha. When we transmute Fear into Love, we basically fulfill everything else in my experience. Blessings, man!

My pleasure. And yes, you're totally correct. I almost mentioned the same thing, but because the first commandment & the last are basically the same thing and because the concepts of 'love' and 'fear' are massively confused in most people's hearts and minds... I explained things using the hopefully 'simpler', 'less confusing' commandment.

For people who are already clear on how to choose love over fear, that is a rock solid principle to rely on, and I'm very glad you brought it up, thank you! 🙏

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 73 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!


Hola @ryzeonline gracias por estas palabras, llegaron a mi en el día y a la hora perfecta. Agradecida con el universo por permitir leerlas, me hicieron recordar las practicas mentales que estaba olvidando.

Un fuerte abrazo en la distancia. Besos.

Hi @ryzeonline thank you for these words, they came to me on the perfect day and at the perfect time. Grateful to the universe for allowing me to read them, they made me remember the mental practices I was forgetting.

A big hug in the distance. Kisses.

My pleasure, @keco , I'm so glad you found these words, and life has a way of bringing us what we need at the correct time, I've found. I'm grateful you read them and shared your feelings here. May we all be reminded of key mental practices, yes? A big hug in the distance! Kisses! 🙏

Un placer, keco , me alegro de que hayas encontrado estas palabras, y la vida tiene una manera de traernos lo que necesitamos en el momento correcto, he descubierto. Agradezco que las hayas leído y compartido tus sentimientos aquí. Que todos recordemos las prácticas mentales clave, ¿sí? ¡Un gran abrazo en la distancia! ¡Besos! 🙏

Thanks @ryzeonline for this, I really needed a new perspective on life right now, and this has help me a lot

So glad it helped you @eil7304 , thank you for commenting and wishing you a fantastic week! 🙏