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RE: Unusual Activity.

in BDCommunity2 years ago

I believe in paranormal activities but i didn't face any. I know a person in my village who is known as “kobiraj ". He told us many stories about the paranormal activities.


I believe in paranormal activities but i didn't face any.

same same.

I know a person in my village who is known as “kobiraj ".

I have seen them but never talked to or haven't heard anything from them personally. about 90% of what I have heard has come from third persons, not from anyone that experienced.

2 years ago, one of my relative was died by paranormal way. He was also known as a KOBIRAJ. One day he was found under a big tree and died in a bad way.

Ah! So sad to hear that.

Do you wish to experience some paranormal activities? 😁

No no , I will senseless if I see anything abnormal :-)

Take a selfie before losing your sense.😅

Jokes apart, I will be the same too. Will die out of fear.

Take a selfie before losing your sense.😅

I will try :-)
Need a Jini Friend :-)