Negligence in JOB sector...

in BDCommunity4 years ago

Nowadays when you hear someone close to you is going for a medical check up, the first thought that arrives in the mind is, "is he/she affected by CORONA?" Yeah, in a way it is a serious topic and you or your family members should stay aware of such kind of situations. From what I heard, COVID is getting alive from a deep sleep! Stay cautious guys!

While, today I went to the doctor for my brother. He had to do some checkups for some purpose of his traveling and he was worried about certain few things. Although, in the past he faced few difficulties due to some minor problems and due to that he was little worried. We did some tests yesterday and according to the report they were normal but still we wanted to confirm from the doctor's end, if everything is normal or not! By the grace of almighty, everything was normal but since he was worried, that drove his blood pressure little high lol. And doctor was also surprised to watch his blood pressure. Asked some regular questions and told him to take rest and assured him, he is perfectly all right. Gave hims some additional tests, just to be on the safe side for his travel purpose.

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Now, I want to relate some tasks that we had to go through for this purpose. I went to a government hospital for the tests that were required. As first of all, I will get genuine report with guaranty and this place would get much more value than of private medicals. But I knew what I was getting into lol! The same old drama of negligence and the same of crappy shit of staffs, behaving as if they were in their home. They will never change. Pardon me, if any government employer is reading this from my country but almost 95% of these people do not care about customer service or the way how they should give priority to their freaking job. I know, this sector is tough and you have to go through handling different people all over the day. And sometimes you might as well take some time off from your schedule but when you have an emergency case, are you suppose to laugh at some lame jokes of your colleagues who is watching something on their phone. That is absurd lol. But who is there to talk! Some people are bound to these attitudes of people and for some of these people the entire officials get bad names in front of the world. Some rules and regulations would probably bring some of those people into straight path. You are in a job, god damn it! Perform it wisely, instead of making excuses.

Now, when it comes to private sector, the scenario is literally opposite. You can blame the system as much as you want. As long as you do not change, nothing will change. Bring the change within yourself and it will slowly spread to others. Yeah, I am aware some of us are boned in to these sort of activities but someone has to do something :) I hope we will see something good in these sectors and if not, we shall keep on going like the way things were!

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Nevertheless, due to the change of weather, people are getting affected by several kinds of diseases and among them fever is one of the most common one. I also got affected by it :( but thanks to Almighty it did not take severe condition like it was suppose to. It was not really a bad day but it was a day to get to learn something from the daily life activities. Stay safe guys, I just wanted to share an update on what is happening with me right now ;). After all we can create a journal in HIVE ;) can't we?

Images are captured by me

Best regards


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