Wednesday Wants Colours Of Me

in BDCommunity3 years ago (edited)



I am black,
Black is not a colour,
I cannot be washed by the rain.
Hence, I cannot be called a colour.


My blood is black,
But cut me, and I bleed red,
Red! a representation of my hurt,
But my blood is not my colour.


I am black,
I am of black race and descent,
Hence I strive
And hope to thrive.


Thus, know me through;
The white of my Innocence,
The red of my pains,
The grey of my wisdom.


The pink of my speech,
The brown of my laughter,
The intricacy of my feelings,
The wildness of my dreams.


The ice of my tears,
The nudity of my shame,
The bareness of my land
The blackness of my blood.


However you want to colour me,
I am black,
I am human, thus I cannot be called a colour,
Black is who I am, Black is my identity.


Hence, call me, The BLACK BOY.

attention: cover image is a property of


damn so deep Ude very beautiful

Posted via | The City of Neoxian

Thank you 🙈

Black is beautiful. I love this💕

Thanks for reading.