As a matter of fact, that edit of yours is spot on. Well when you take 'some kind' away 😀
Now I need to think of some reward. Lazy me left that blank.
But what about this? A long overdue request you made, or better said, a question you asked. Let's act upon that one. But I have the play the ball back to you first, otherwise, you may get something that you don't like. Remember you asked about a post footer and/or divider? And I told you: Sure I can make one, will be in kinda like the same style I use for my posts! But let's not try and stick to a similar part persé. Tell me what you like and I try and create something for you. Let's banner and footer you up! 😂
You have to know that I would overthink what kind of devider/footer I would like to have :)))) and if I leave it up to you?
At the same time, I will give it a few thoughts and let you know if I have something in my mind!
Btw, how cool that the lava lamp was the answer 😊 and your reward is a super creative offer 👌
We progressed a lot on the reward side of things 🙃
But, I'll make a few more iterations for the 'peace' one... Be ready to receive some of them over the weekend 🎶
Hahaha, all-inclusive, iterations too ;)))