Night glimpses of Rome

in Discovery-itlast year


Night glimpses of Rome

Hello all dear Hivers friends and welcome back to my blog. Yesterday I took a short trip to Rome to buy some art supplies and took the opportunity to go and see some world heritage sites in night vision.


Hadrian's Temple
Let's start with the little known Temple of Hadrian, a building that is actually very important because Emperor Hadrian had it erected in 136 to dedicate it to his wife Vibia Sabina who died prematurely.


An imposing building originally formed by 13 Corinthian columns made of the finest white marble.



Toward the end of the 17th century the architect Carlo Fontana incorporated the columns into a stately palace and from 13 became 11 due to the breakage of two columns. The row of columns rests on a peperino podium more than 4 meters high; today we see it buried due to the raising of the street level.


Temple of Adrian

The building in 1831 became the headquarters of the Rome Stock Exchange. It is currently the headquarters of the Rome Chamber of Commerce.

The Pantheon


The Pantheon is the most famous Roman temple in the world, dedicated to all deities past, present and future. It is composed of a circular structure joined to a pronaos (entrance) that features 16 giant, one-piece columns, 16 meters high. The real construction marvel is the hemispherical concrete dome.



The study of materials was calculated to support a structure with a diameter of 43 meters, which is perfectly equal to the height of the structure. (classical canon)

Navona Square


One of the best known squares in the world where we have the very famous Fountain of the Four Rivers by the genius, sculptor, architect, stage designer and painter, Gian Lorenzo Bernini.


The fountain represents the ecumenism of the Catholic Church in the world, In fact the 4 white marble statues symbolize the 4 rivers of the then known continents, Rio de la Plata, Ganges, Nile and Danube.






The 'obelisk in the center of the fountain was made in the quarries of Aswan from red granite in a perfect model of the Egyptian obelisks, under the rule of Emperor Domitian. In the Middle Ages the obelisk fell remaining on the site several kilometers away from Piazza Navona, but after more than 1,000 years Pope Innocent X decided to divide it into 4 pieces and it was relocated on the majestic fountain.



The square in Roman times was a stadium dedicated to Domitian, and in the Baroque period it was enclosed on the sides and flooded to allow for naval battles and water games, hence the Italian name Navona meaning great ship.

Trevi Fountain

Due to the many films shot at the elegant site, the fountain turns out to be the most famous in the world and also the most democratic, in fact for its construction Pope Clement XII held a competition in 1731. The winning architect, a Frenchman abandoned the project, perhaps because of numerous design difficulties, then Salvi a famous Italian architect second in line, but he too gave up. Finally the work was entrusted to Pietro Bracci and his son, who in 1732 began the celebrated work of art that was inaugurated in 1762, 30 years of work and changes in status.


The fountain is a magnificent ode to the sea, (and I love it for that) and rests on a beautiful neoclassical building.


The fountain features a large cliff from which emerges a triumphal arch that enhances the central figure of Oceano. The water-generating god is atop a shell-shaped chariot drawn by two winged horses, one placid, the other bolting.


All the tourists use to turn their backs and with their eyes closed they throw a coin into the fountain, making a wish. The municipal administration collects about 20,000 euros in coins every week which are donated to humanitarian associations.

I leave you other photographs of Rome by night and I wish you to visit it as soon as possible, it deserves!









Scorci notturni di Roma

Ciao a tutti cari amici Hivers e bentornati sul mio blog. Ieri ho fatto un breve giro a Roma per acquistare del materiale artistico e ne ho approfittato per andare a vedere alcuni patrimoni dell'umanità in visione notturna.

Tempio di Adriano
Cominciamo con il poco conosciuto Tempio di Adriano, un edificio in realtà molto importante perchè l'imperatore Adriano lo fece erigere nel 136 per dedicarlo alla moglie Vibia Sabina morta prematuramente. Un edificio imponente formato in origine da 13 colonne colonne corinzie in marmo bianchissimo. Verso la fine del 17° secolo l'architetto Carlo Fontana ingloba le colonne in un palazzo signorile e da 13 diventano 11 per la rottura di due colonne. La fila di colonne poggia su un podio in peperino di oltre 4 metri di altezza, oggi lo vediamo interrato per l'innalzamento del piano stradale.

L'edificio nel 1831 diventerà la sede della Borsa Valori di Roma. Attualmente è la sede principale della Camera di Commercio di Roma.

Il Pantheon

Il Pantheon è il tempio romano più famoso del mondo, dedicato a tutte le divinità passate, presenti e future. Esso è composto da una struttura circolare unite ad un pronao (ingresso) che presenta 16 colonne giganti monoblocco, alte 16 metri. La vera meraviglia costruttiva è rappresentata dalla cupola emisferica in calcestruzzo. Lo studio dei materiali è stato calcolato per sorreggere una struttura del diametro di 43 metri che è perfettamente uguale all'altezza della struttura. (canone classico)

Piazza Navona

Una delle piazze più conosciute al mondo in cui abbiamo la celeberrima fontana dei Quattro Fiumi del genio, scultore, architetto, scenografo e pittore, Gian Lorenzo Bernini. La fontana rappresenta l'ecumenismo della chiesa cattolica nel mondo, Infatti le 4 statue in marmo bianco simboleggiano i 4 fiumi dei continenti allora conosciuti, Rio della Plata, Gange, Nilo e Danubio. L' obelisco al centro della fontana fu realizzato nelle cave di Assuan in granito rosso a modello perfetto degli obelischi egiziani, sotto il dominio dell'imperatore Domiziano. Nel medioevo l'obelisco cadde restando nel sito distante alcuni chilometri da piazza navona, ma dopo oltre 1000 anni il papa Innocenzo X decise di dividerlo in 4 pezzi e fu ricollocato sulla maestosa fontana.

La piazza in epoca romana era uno stadio dedicato a Domiziano, nel periodo barocco veniva chiusa ai lati e allagata per permettere battaglie navali e giochi d'acqua, da cui il nome italiano Navona che significa grande nave.

Fontana di Trevi

Per i numerosi film girati nel sito elegante, la fontana risulta essere la più famosa del mondo ed anche la più democratica, infatti per la sua realizzazione il papa Clemente XII indisse un concorso nel 1731. L'architetto vincitore, un francese abbandonò il progetto, forse per le numerose difficoltà progettuali, poi Salvi un famoso architetto italiano secondo in classifica, ma rinunciò anch'egli. Infine l'opera fu affidata a Pietro Bracci e il figlio, che nel 1732 iniziarono la celeberrima opera d'arte che venne inaugurata nel 1762, 30 anni di lavori e cambiamenti di stato.

La fontana è un inno magnificente al mare, (ed io la amo per quello) ed è poggiata su un bellissimo palazzo neoclassico. La fontana presenta una grande scogliera dalla quale emerge un arco trionfale che esalta la figura centrale di Oceano. Il dio che genera acqua è sopra un cocchio a forma di conchiglia trainato da due cavalli alati, uno placido, l'altro imbizzarrito.

Tutti i turisti usano mettersi di spalle ed a occhi chiusi gettano una moneta nella fontana, esprimendo un desiderio. L'amministrazione comunale ogni settimana raccoglie circa 20.000 euro in monetine che vengono donate ad associazioni umanitarie.

Vi lascio altre fotografie di Roma notturna e vi auguro di visitarla al più presto, merita!


The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @storiesoferne ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at

This is such an interesting post about a beautiful city. A shame how undervalued it is after 16 hours! 😕 I reblogged it and cross-posted it in the Pinmapple community for you, in the hopes that somebody will show you some love for this great work. 😀 Pinmapple is where these kinds of travel posts seem to be most valued.

Here it is:

I very much appreciate your architectural and art-historical remarks and I'm always learning something new from your travel posts.

While I wrote this, your votes jumped up by about $7.00 - a good start! This is the first time I have done this, so I'm not sure how the rewards are allocated. They should be declined on the community posts and added to your original post. So far, I don't see this. However, if they end up in my account, I will simply send them to you manually.


Un abbraccio orientato al marketing 😂

 last year  

However it is depressing that the share above is paid as much as half of my post, mysteries of faith.

It goes like that sometimes. I still don't see the $7.00 from the crosspost; its voters aren't listed in the original post. Curious how that works.

At least you educated Caroline and me. We're watching a rerun of "Suburra - La Serie" right now, which plays in Rome. Fun to recognize buildings with the background you provided. 😀

 last year  

Thank you Folker, you are very kind and I appreciate your help. I love to write about art history, besides teaching it I also try to spread it among friends. Many times I get a more disappointing effect than Hive, my friends quickly get tired of it. A really happy hug for your helpfulness and thank you for reading it, at least you!

😎 😍

 last year  

Matteo quando venite vi faccio da Cicerone, un abbraccio grandissimo.

A lovely post... It's like walking through Rome at night!... Very good photos, with masterful lighting management and focused on precise details... Thanks for sharing, Armando!

!Discovery 40


Thanks for that great walk around Rome. What a beautiful city full of so much history, art and culture!

I love history, especially the one told by architecture such as the Roman one, seeing its temples and its sculptures, they fascinate me

I enjoyed the tour and the history behind the city's architecture. The pictures of the pantheon made me exclaim from the impression. Thanks for sharing.