[ESP/ENG] 5 cosas que no sabías del cantante SECH🤩🎶 | 5 things you didn't know about the singer SECH

in Music3 years ago


Hola a toda la comunidad de hive, espero se encuentren muy bien en casita❤️. Hoy quiero compartirles algunos datos interesante a cerca de uno de los artistas latinoamericanos que esta revolucionando el genero del reguetón. Aunque ya es super conocido por todos hoy estaré revelando algunos datos que quizás no sepas de el y que quizás te hagan amarlo muchísimo mas, asi que sin mas que decir empecemos!.

Hello to all the hive community, I hope you are very well at home. Today I want to share with you some interesting facts about one of the Latin American artists that is revolutionizing the reggaeton genre. Although he is already well known by everyone today I will be revealing some facts that you may not know about him and that may make you love him a lot more, so without further ado let's get started.

En primer lugar se trata nada mas y nada menos que del reguetonero SECH originario de Panamá, lugar que por cierto ha sido centro de polémica junto a Puerto rico por el hecho de ambos países certificar que fueron los creadores de este genero que ha sido tan exitoso a nivel mundial (reguetón), sin embargo, dejemos ese debate a parte y sigamos con nuestro artista estrella. Cabe destacar que me anime a hablar sobre "el peluche" otro de sus sobrenombres ya que recientemente sus canciones han sido éxito total y ha podido colaborar con otros artistas de renombre en el genero como Bad Bunny haciéndolo aun mas exitoso.

First of all it is nothing more and nothing less than the reguetonero SECH originally from Panama, a place that by the way has been the center of controversy along with Puerto Rico by the fact that both countries certify that they were the creators of this genre that has been so successful worldwide (regueton), however, let's leave that debate aside and continue with our star artist. It is worth mentioning that I was encouraged to talk about "el peluche" another of his nicknames because recently his songs have been a total success and he has been able to collaborate with other renowned artists in the genre such as Bad Bunny making him even more successful.

Además de esto, hace muy poco saco un tema que esta sonando en todo el mundo llamado "911" el cual impulsado por la plataforma TIK TOK ha logrado rebasar los límites de reproducciones creándose gracias a los fanáticos un CHALLENGE O RETO en la plataforma donde han participado millones de personas. Personalmente no lo he realizado pero he estado super cerca de intentarlo. Su timbre de voz único y su apariencia muy distinta a lo que estamos acostumbrados a ver en el genero definitivamente ha hecho que la fanaticada de este gran artista se sienta identificada con este nuevo estilo musical apoyado en su totalidad por los mejores productores y las mejores disqueras del momento.

In addition to this, he recently released a song that is playing around the world called "911" which driven by the TIK TOK platform has managed to exceed the limits of reproductions, creating thanks to the fans a CHALLENGUE or CHALLENGE on the platform where millions of people have participated. Personally I have not done it but I have been super close to try it. His unique voice timbre and his appearance very different from what we are used to see in the genre has definitely made the fans of this great artist feel identified with this new musical style supported in its entirety by the best producers and the best record labels of the moment.

Finalmente estoy segura que se van a sorprender mucho con algunos datos que estaré nombrando en el video sin embargo, en forma general me esta gustando mucho este nuevo estilo que vino a implementar SECH el cual, se le debe todo el éxito musical por ser quien compone todas sus canciones. Espero que les haya gustado este video hablándoles sobre estos datos que quizás no sabias de este joven artista y solo queda invitarles a que se cuiden mucho y a escuchar siempre buena música.

Finally, I am sure that you will be surprised with some of the information that I will be mentioning in the video, however, in general I am really liking this new style that SECH came to implement, and I owe him all the musical success because he is the one who composes all his songs. I hope you liked this video talking about these facts that you may not know about this young artist and only remains to invite you to take care of yourselves and always listen to good music.


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If you liked it, leave me your opinion in the comments

El vídeo fue grabado con mi Redmi 9 / The video was recorded with my Redmi

Traductor: @Deepl
Imágenes hechas por mí en canva / Images made by me in canva
