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RE: The don't make 'em cuter'n this

Yeah, if hive was to NOT show you any of my posts after searching crow, my feelings would be very hurt.

HAHAHA yeah that's fair - it's your name for pete's sake!

Feel free to ask questions any time, if I have an answer I will share!

Thank you! I've been doing this alone so far, just using youtube and other online reels to gather info and make a plan, but I think this is a journey that would be much more fun with a small family of likeminded humans with whom I can collaborate and share success stories. I now count you as the first human component of my crow family, I hope that's not too forward 😅

They reconnect us with the nature we've nearly left behind.

Yes, that's actually why I want this so badly. I've seen that they can bring shiny things and money to people who become their friends, but honest to goodness all I cared about from the start was just having them as friends :)


🖤🖤🖤 It's the best feeling ever!

They do, very occasionally, bring me gifts, though usually it's just the youngsters playing with something and leaving it behind. Most of what they bring me are their demands. In a good way, of course.

Holy smokes!!! You are my official real world HERO!!!!

…how cute that the little ones leave their “toys” around!!!

I followed you on YouTube…I don’t go there often, but I’ll try to swing by more often to see what you’re up to. Do you ever post to 3Speak?

I've tried uploading on threespeak but most of the time the videos get stuck and never finish uploading, so I gave up and went back to youtube links. Thanks for the follow! No worries about not watching often, I think life is better with less screens and more reality, anyway.

You are my official real world HERO!!!!

blush blush... I'm just a person trying to make the best of life.

blush blush... I'm just a person trying to make the best of life.

Fair enough...but you're doing pretty damned awesome if you ask me!

@sagarkothari88 has been doing a lot of work to revamp the 3S interface, if you were ever interested in trying it again, you might have better luck - but no pressure, I know I tend to stick with whatever's been working for me :)