📷 Welcome To Nassig Forest

Hello dear friends,



A well-known German country music hit says: "The wild wild west starts just behind Hamburg. In a studio in Maschen, just off the autobahn". I don't have to go that far. Hamburg is more than 500km away from my home. I prefer to drive 5 km to the Nassig Forest.

This forest is not only one of my favorite mushroom areas, but also the place where Wild West enthusiasts celebrate the annual Westernfest (festival). I remember it more as a binge, but that is a highly subjective assessment, and the success of the event speaks for itself. No, to reduce the festival only to the drinking fun would really not do it justice.
It is also a fact that the visitors of the festival come from far away and spend the weekend camping around the western town. It reminds all in all even of a smaller dimensioned music festiva

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Hallo liebe Freunde,

in einem bekannten deutschen Countrymusik Schlager heißt es: "Der wilde wilde Westen fängt gleich hinter Hamburg an. In einem Studio in Maschen, gleich bei der Autobahn". So weit muß ich gar nicht fahren. Hamburg ist schließlich über 500km von mir zu Hause entfernt. Da nehme ich lieber 5 km Fahrt in den Nassig Forest auf mich.

Dieser Wald ist nicht nur einer meiner liebsten Pilzfundgebiete, sondern eben auch der Ort, an dem schon seit schier ewigen Zeiten Wild-West Begeisterte jährlich das Westernfest feiern. Ich habe es zwar eher als Saufgelage in Erinnerung, allerdings ist das eine höchstsubjektive Einschätzung, und der Erfolg der Veranstaltung spricht für sich. Nein, das Fest nur auf den Trinkspaß zu reduzieren würde der Sache wirklich nicht gerecht werden.
So ist es auch eine Tatsache, daß die Besucher des Festes durchaus von weiter her anreisen und das Wochende rund um die Westernstadt zelten. Es erinnert alles in allem sogar an ein kleiner dimensioniertes Musikfestival.


Unfortunately, the "Western Fest" has not taken place for several years now. This year, the danger of forest fires was probably too great in August. So the area looks more like a legendary ghost town..
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Leider fand das Westernfest jetzt schon einige Jahre nicht mehr statt. Dieses Jahr war im August die Waldbrandgefahr wohl zu groß. So wirkt das Gefilde eher wie eine sagenumwobene Geisterstadt.



I took most of the photos in this post in early October, when it was still quite warm. You can also see it in the deciduous trees, which are still quite green for this time of year.
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Die meisten Fotos dieses Beitrages habe ich Anfang Oktober gemacht, als es noch ziemlich warm war. Man sieht es auch an den noch für diese Jahreszeit ziemlich grünen Laubbäumen.



Towards the end of the tour even a bath in the at this time something 15 degrees warm Baggersee of Mondfeld would have been possible. On this day, however, I had let it be, because I had to guard my porcini prey.
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Gegen Ende der Tour wäre sogar noch ein Bad im zu diesem Zeitpunkt etwas 15 Grad warmen Mondfelder Baggersee möglich gewesen. An diesem Tag hatte ich es aber sein lassen, da ich ja meine Steinpilzbeute bewachen musste.






Where the fly agaric grows, porcini can theoretically grow as well. This old wisdom among mushroom pickers proved true again this year.
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Wo es Fliegenpilze gibt, können theoretisch auch Steinpilze wachsen. Dies alte Weisheit unter Pilzsammlern erwies sich auch dieses Jahr wieder als wahr.



Steinpilze habe ich im Nassig Forest ohne Ende gefunden. Man betrachte nur das tolle weiße Stielnetz dieses Steinpilzprachtexemplars.
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I have found porcini mushrooms in Nassig Forest without end. Just look at the great white stem net of this porcini specimen.


Der bekannte Verwechslungspartner des Steinpilzes ist der ungenießbar bittere Gallenröhrling, den ich vor ein paar Tagen in einem anderen Waldstück bei Nassig gefunden habe.
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The well-known confusion partner of the boletus is the inedible bitter bitter bolete, which I found a few days ago in another patch of forest near Nassig.



Not only the porcino from the family of the bolete familiy I have found in great quantities, but also the lurid bolete, which turns very blue when you cut it. With this you can really make an impression ;-)
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Nicht nur den Steinpilz aus der Familie der Dickfußröhrlinge habe ich in rauen Mengen gefunden, sondern auch den Netzstieligen Hexenröhrling, der sich sehr stark blau verfärbt, wenn man ihn anschneided. Damit kann man richtig Eindruck schinden. ;-)


In the crypto scene, you can currently also admire Wild West methods again. Not that we still experience here a financial ghost town in the figurative sense??? But I do not think that it will come so badly... ;-)
I also admit that I really only have pure cliché knowledge about the Wild West. Who knows how high the truth content is in what is shown today in movies about the Wild West???
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In der Kryptoszene kann man derzeit auch wieder Wild-West Methoden bewundern. Nicht, daß wir hier noch eine Finanz Geisterstadt im übertragenen Sinne erleben??? Ich denke aber nicht, daß es so krass kommen wird... ;-)

Außerdem gebe ich zu, daß ich bezüglich des Wilden Westens wirklich nur reines Klischeewissen verfüge. Wer weiß, wie hoch der Wahrheitsgehalt an dem ist, was man heute unter anderem in Filmen so über den Wilden Westen gezeigt bekommt???




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Thank you for this mushroom post; it's a bit educational regarding the types and their names in English. An interesting read indeed.

Thank you for the words of praise. For me it is also instructive, because of course in school I also did not have to learn the technical terms from the world of mushrooms. ;-)

I imagine technical terms being the Latin names for them? At school, if it ever was given attention, the names were mentioned more in passing than as something that'd be expected to be remembered for life. It's understandable since at primary school during the lessons dealing with biology and botanics you are expected to learn basics of fungi, and not as a subject matter one should be an expert in. The way I learnt about edible and non-edible fungi was with my family from early childhood as we used to go mushroom hunting every year a number of times. So I knew most of the local edible mushrooms and their names, including porcini, mentioned in your post here, and some of the boletes. I could say I was among experts as most people would only recognize chanterelles that were top selling mushrooms at local town markets, and those same people would just tend to stay away from any other type of mushroom, which was also understandable because with some of them you would have to know how to prepare and cook properly in order not to get food poisoning. With chanterelles it's all easy and straight forward same as with button mushrooms that are sold in supermarkets; you can even eat them raw.

Yes, that was similar for me. My father has taught me most about the world of mushrooms. But since English is not my native language, only the German names of the mushrooms have become second nature to me. If I now try to translate the articles into English, I must of course first research what the mushrooms are called in English. You probably don't even learn something as special as that at university. But here on Hive for it. :-)

lg mit !hiqvote 🤠

Allerbesten Dank, lieber Karl! :-)

Thank you for posting in both English and German! Many years ago I was quite fluent in German, but due to lack of use I have forgotten a great deal. It's fun to be able to read first one language and then the other, and remind myself what words mean.

Thank you so much for your great comment. I know exactly what you are describing. Without the help of a translation program (that has something of the Star Trek universal translator ;-) ) I would not be able with my pathetic school English, what I can express in German very detailed and also always with a pinch of humor, at least rudimentary.
With special technical terms, such as mushroom species designations in English, I would be completely lost. No wonder that many then simply take refuge in the everywhere valid Latin terms ;-)

Vielen Dank für Deinen tollen Kommentar. Ich weiß genau, was Du beschreibst. Ohne die Hilfe eines Übersetzungsprogramms (das hat schon was vom Star Trek Universalübersetzer ;-) ) wäre ich mit meinem erbärmlichen Schulenglisch nicht in der Lage, das, was ich auf Deutsch sehr detailliert und auch immer wieder mit einer Priese Humor ausdrücken kann, zumindest ansatzweise umzusetzen.
Bei speziellen Fachbegriffen, wie z.B. Pilzart Bezeichnungen auf Englisch, wäre ich völlig aufgeschmissen. Kein Wunder, daß sich viele dann einfach in die überall gültigen lateinischen Begriffe flüchten. ;-)

Was für eine Ausbeute, mir läuft das Wasser im Mund zusammen:) was gab es daraus? Risotto?
...und die Nahaufnahmen von den verschiedenen Pilzen sind mega, die essbaren und die anderen!!

Danke sehr! :-)

Wir braten die Steinpilze meist und würzen nur mit Salz und Pfeffer. Eine Zwiebel kommt noch dazu. Und ab und an mische ich mal ein paar Steinis unter Rührei. Allerdings eignen sich dazu Stockschwämmchen oder Rauchblättrige Schwefelköpfe noch mehr.

Uh ja mit Butter angebraten und dann auf getoastetes Brot!! Mein Favorit würde ich sagen:)


That forest looks so deep and full of life, i love the colors your bring with those photographys,

the red mushrooms is really interesting i havent never seen one like that in real life

The red mushroom is the fly agaric and is a real mass mushroom in Germany. If you go to the forest here in October, the chance of seeing many of them is extremely high ;-)


Cool place and refreshing. A place suite for camping and Family overnight into woods.

Nice discovery on mushrooms by the way. It looks interesting

Thank you very much for the comment. Camping is of course also cancelled this year because of forest fire danger. Wild camping is forbidden anyway in the thoroughly bureaucratized Germany. :-)

It must be very cool in here. It is so nice to see trees, and everything built there is made of woods. I like this place!

I agree with you. Nassig Forest is a great spot on our Mother Earth.

Wow! Nice to know that. You're lucky to be there.

wonderful place..

Indeed... ;-) Thx...

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oooh that classic red mushroom with the white specks is adorable! 🥺🍄 Thank you for sharing this beautiful location..

adorable but toxic, too ;-)