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RE: Grounding my Cannabis

in Photography Loverslast year

I wonder if grounding one plant variety to another makes a difference, or if the grounding of more than one strain in one grounded current path has a synergistic effect. Glad to hear y'all are seeing health benefits from multiple applications. I had heard and done some grounding before without even knowing it.

I walked around Grapevine lake and my old neighborhood in the rural sticks barefooted for a long period of time to reconnect with my Native American heritage. I took out my contacts and didn't wear my glasses... and i'm blind af. It was a deep learning experience for my senses and situational and environmental awareness. Walking on all those mesquite thorns was definitely a next level experience. hahaha I never would have thought to ground the plants though. Super interesting.

You should look into Faraday Cages too. It can protect you from invisible energy waves that are becoming more and more invasive as we upgrade our different radio and wifi energy waves. I know a couple that basically made a Faraday Cage bed and they said it changed their lives, healthwise. Also, keep your wifi router as far as possible from any living thing. You can look up videos of the negative effects on water and plants close by the routers. The water was used to water plants after long exposure and the watering alone killed a plant not exposed. Plants nearby deteriorated rapidly. A young school girl did a science project on it and it was mindblowing. Sorry for the book... but i 'resonated' with this post. Cheers browski


Grounding is super easy and has so many benefits to it. That's cool that you grounded and went out on a hike. My wife and I have been going on walks barefoot and we always feel better after.

I don't think that grounding plants together will have any added benefits to them already being grounded. Think of it like all the plants being grounded out in nature, but with these indoor plants, the root systems aren't connected by the mycelium network. Now if I can incorporate some sort of network like that between my indoor plants, that would be pretty cool.

I’ll have to look into those Faraday Cages. I have been wondering about the effects of Wi-Fi and have even turned it off a few times while we have been asleep.

They usually recommend turning off your wifi when you aren't using it... but it's almost always in use. 5g has some impacts, depending on how close you are to the poles transmitting. It's strange 5g is stronger but requires a more tight-knit network of the transmitters. There's a ton of info out there that isn't crazy conspiracy but 'grounded' in fact. And that makes sense about the lack of connection to the mycelium network and actual earth.